Summary: Mary knows little about the past and why the world now contains two types of people: those in her village and the undead outside the fence, who prey upon the flesh of the living. The Sisters protect their village and provide for the continuance of the human race. After her mother is bitten and joins the Unconsecrated, Mary is sent to the Sisters to be prepared for marriage to her friend Harry. But then the fences are breached and the life she has known is gone forever. Mary; Harry; Travis, whom Mary loves but who is betrothed to her best friend; her brother and his wife; and an orphaned boy set out into the unknown to search for safety, answers to their questions, and a reason to go on living.
My Thoughts: Honestly, I did not know what to expect when I opened this book. I'm more into vampires and the new-age than zombies and small based community living. I liked the character of Mary and she had a special vibe about her. She did not have things go her way all the time, and she felt trapped. She did not want to fall in with everyone else, she wanted to be her own person. Like me, she was very stubborn. She didn't want to be promised to anyone, because she loved another. I wasn't completely satisfied with the ending. Towards the ending of the book, it had me almost crying because I didn't like that she had been through so much but yet still could not be with the one she loved. It was a better book than I thought it would be, and I will definitely be reading The Dead Tossed Waves. Overall, it was quite promising and I enjoyed reading it.
Overall: A little longer that I would have liked, the story was very detailed, not a bad thing, just felt myself skimming through a little of it.
Cover: I like the way her hair is blowing, and its about zombies, the dark colors fit!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Did you get any good books as presents?? :)
Happy Birthday C! We have the same birthday! I had a lovely time and hope that you did too!
I loved Forest Of Hands And Teeth!
Shawna Lewis
Happy B-day my Dear!!! I loved this book and can not wait for the second book to come out thanks for the review!!!!
Happy belated birthday. Great review. I loved, this book, but I love anything zombie. The cliff hanger ending, left me wanting more- but I am glad a sequel comes out next year.
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