I tend to stick to guys my own age. I had a two year time frame. I would not even consider a guy good looking if he was any older or younger than me by 2 years. I have made an exception for celebrities. As my mom would say, celebrities don't count. HAHA! Thanks Mom!
This week's boyfriend is
Wentworth was born in England and raised in Brooklyn. He was born June 2, 1972. He is a graduate of Princeton! You may remember him from movies such as The Human Stain and Underworld. You might have also seen him in tv shows such as Joan of Arcadia and Ghost Whisperer. He was also a guest on Buffy The Vampire Slayer.
Where do I remember him from? I can remember the very first time I seen him. He was on Buffy The Vampire Slayer. I remember thinking to myself, "who is that guy?" he wasn't well known back than and I couldn't figure out much about him besides his name. I later came across him again watching Dinotopia.
And than I started watching Prison Break. Wentworth plays Michael Scofield! Prison Break was my guilty pleasure. I cried and cried watching the series finale a few months ago. Have you checked out that show? If you haven't, run to the video store right now and pick it up. I am addicted to Prison Break. Add it to your netflix que. The show is amazing!!! You won't regret it! Just to warn you, you will be swooning for Michael Scofield! Wentworth Miller is an amazing actor.
He deserves to be my boyfriend of the week because he is a truly talented actor and he deserves my #3 spot!
Want To See Prison Break? Watch a Clip HERE!
I was browsing my old pictures and completely forgot I took this one a year or so ago!! Just wanted to share with everyone. HAHA!
Me Kissing Me some Wentworth Miller!!!!