Wednesday, August 12

Another Contest


Contest Ends August 23rd at 1:00 PM! I will draw winners after I tally them up!



1 – 200 of 457   Newer›   Newest»
Sita said...

I would love to be included!

+1 leaving a comment
+3 am a follower
+5 blogged about it
+1 contest is listed in my side bar

Minding Spot said...

Awesome Contest!!

+1 for Leaving A Comment
+3 am a follower
+5 For Promoting this contest on your blog : Link is (

+6 Including your Link to Your Latest Waiting On Wednesday Post in My Linky - Did this too!

wendyhines (at) hotmail (dot) com

Tynga said...

+1 What a great contest!
Please count me in!

+3 I am a follower

+1 I put it on my blog side bar!

+6 here's the link to my current WoW (I also put it in Mr. Linky)

Thanks for the great contest! I would be SO happy to win =)
tynga85 at hotmail dot com

Yan said...

Can I just enter for the GC and perorder? xD I have most of the ARCs but really really wants this book O.O

I have you on my google reader and left a link on Mr. Linky

For now I'll put you on my sidebar, post will come later :D


LOL why am I even giving you my email? you should have it by now xD

Nicole said...

Hey Cindy :) Thanks for letting me know about the contest. This is the 2nd time today I've heard about the Catching Fire book. I'll have to go see what is it about...

+1 for leaving a comment
+3 for being a follower

email: caitlyn1313(at)aol(dot)com

Yan said...

post is up:

Bianca said...

+1 for Leaving A Comment
+3 for becoming a follower or already being a follower
+1 For Promoting This contest on your sidebar
+6 Including your Link to Your Latest Waiting On Wednesday Post in My Linky (we all like looking at them, LOL)

I'll come back and do WOW again and also by that time I'll have my post about this contest, up on my blog!

OH and Yan from Books by their Covers recommend me!

infinitemusic19 AT gmail DOT com

Unknown said...

+1 Looks like a good book, please enter me into this drawing.
+2 Already a follower via Blogger.
Thanks for hosting this giveaway.

DarcyO said...

Great contest! Count me in!

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

DarcyO said...

I'm a new follower.

dlodden at frontiernet dot net

Erica said...

Pretty much AMAZING contesT!

+1 for Leaving A Comment
+3 became a follow
+5 blogged about it:
+1 linked in my sidebar
+1 Yan referred me
+6 Added to Mr Linky

:) Erica

The Book Explorer said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Emily said...

WOW! Great contest!

+1 Leaving a comment
+3 Becoming a follower
+1 Promoted contest on my blog sidebar (



Anonymous said...

What an incredible contest! Please enter my name. Thanks.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

I just became a follower of your blog.
wandanamgreb (at) gmail (dot) com

Anonymous said...

Oh and I forgot to add that I read about your contest through a user name YAN. I am following you now and I am blog entry jumping on here because I closed the window.


Kelsey said...

+1- Great contest! Thanks(:
+3- became a follower
+1- added to my sidebar
+1- referred by Yan of Books By Their Cover

ShadowsTomes said...

Super awesome contest! I am crossing my fingers! Thats a LOT of books!

I'm a new follower now!

tetewa said...

I'm a follower, count me in!

Icedream said...

Wow, what a fantastic giveaway! There are so many books on that list that I have on my wish list. I would love to be entered. :D
+1 Comment
+3 I am a follower
+5 Blogged about this giveaway at:

+6 I added my WOW to your Mr. Linky
+1 Wendy's blog is my referral :D

Thanks for the chance.
waitmantwillie at hotmail dot com

Sara said...

Just signed up to follow. This is an AWESOME contest. Thanks!

skkmiller (at) live (dot) com

jjoelle said...

WOW! This is such an amazing contest! :)+1 for Leaving a Comment
+3 for becoming a follower
+1 erica referred me.
(her blog is

Katie said...

Enter me!
+3 I'm already a follower
+5 posted here:
+1 linked on sidebar here:
+1 Yan at Books By Their Cover referred me
+6 included my link on the Mister Linky (Katie of Katie's Bookshelf)

ccqdesigns said...

OK Cindy, way too many books to give away at once!! This is one way to clean out your shelves.

I saw this on PBS, I am one of your buddies.
I don't blog so can't get those points. Oh well.


Melissa said...

Would love a chance to win.

+ 1 Commenting

+ 3 Follower



I ♥ Book Gossip said...

+1 Please count me

+3 Follower

+5 Blogged about contest

+1 sidebar

+1 The Book Celler referred me

+6 My Wednesday post.

cindyc725 at gmail dot com

Lizzy said...

This is a great contest, thanks for hosting it!

+3 I was already a follower

+5 I posted about it in a blog entry here:

+1 I also posted about the contest on my sidebar @ Http://

+1 Erica from The Book Cellar referred me

+6 I'm #11 on Mr. Linky with my WoW post

Thanks again

Anonymous said...

Enter me please!

+1 for commenting
+2 I am a follwer

Yan from Books by their Covers sent me!



megan said...

Plese enter me!

+1 for commenting, this is an A-mazing ocntest btw.

Yan from books by their cover sent me!



Lindsay :) said...

Great contest! I would love a chance to win.

+1 for Leaving A Comment

+3 for becoming a follower

+5 For Promoting this contest on Just Another Book Addict (Link at bottom)

+1 For Promoting This contest on my sidebar

+1 Erica from The Book Cellar told me about it

+6 Including my Link to my lastest WoW

Link to blog:
Link to my latest WoW:


Karissa E said...

There are some great books! Cindy thanks for sending me the PM.

+1 leaving a comment
+3 becoming a follower
+5 blogged about it (
+1 Telling you who referred me; does it count if you referred me through
+6 Including my current WoW posting (

Library Lounge Lizard said...

Holy Cow! Nice contest!!! Okay here goes....

+1 left a comment
+3 I now follow!
+1 on my sidebar
+1 I was promoted by Cornucopia of reviews
+6 left my WoW post on Mr. Linky!
+5 blogged about here:


Marie said...

+4 I already follow you & am leaving a comment. Happy cleaning!

WhatBriReads said...

Oh my goodness, please enter me!

+1 for Leaving A Comment
+3 for becoming a follower


Unknown said...

Awesome Contest!!

+1 leaving a comment
+3 I am a follower
+5 posted about it
+1 linked on my sidebar
+1 Senfaye from A Maze of Books sent me here

Unknown said...

The Book Explorer said...

I would love to win this! Awesome!

+1 Leaving a Comment
+3 Follower
+5 Posted in blog post:
+1 Posting on Sidebar:
+1 Kristen from Bookworming in the 21st century refered me
+6 Leaving WoW in Mr. Linky


Ellz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Colleen said...

Please include me! :)

+1 Leaving a comment
+3 I follow your blog
+5 Blogged about it Link-

+1 Contest is listed on my side bar


Allison said...

+1 for Leaving A Comment
+1 For Promoting This contest on my sidebar (
+1 Referred by Yan from Books By Their Cover
+6 Including my Link to WoW


Ellz said...

Wow, this is a great contest. I should clean-up my shelves too!
+1 comment
+3 new follower
+5 promoted your contest at
+1 referred by The Epic Rat

KR said...

+1 comment

+3 new follower
+1 Wendy sent me.


Eleni said...

+1 Damn this is an amazing contest!
+3 I became a follower
+1 It's on my blog sidebar -
+1 I was referred by Shayla from The Book Explorer


cqueen2 said...

+1 wow wow wow thanks
+3 I'm a follower

wadesherry@hotmail dot com

sharon54220 said...

+1 Wow a contest and what a variety of books.
+3 follower

Thanks again for a wonderful giveaway. What a selection of books.

wheresmyrain said...

wow,what a generous contest
i am a follower

a flight of minds said...

Wow! What a contest. We'd love to be entered.

+1 Commenting
+3 Follower
+5 Posted about the contest:
+1 Linked in sidebar
+1 CornucopiaofReviews referred us
+6 Added link of WoW post in Mr. Linky

Alex & Lauren at aflightofminds(at)hotmail(dot)com

wheresmyrain said...

super generosity in the book world, thanks for hosting

Lilixtreme said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Sab H. said...

+1 crystalreviews[at]
+3 for becoming a follower
+1 For Promoting This contest on your sidebar:
+1 Telling me the name of the person who referred you: Erica!
+6 Including your Link to Your Latest Waiting On Wednesday Post in My Linky

Anonymous said...

Great prizes

+1 leaving comment
Please enter me in the giveaway

+3 I am a follower


Katie said...

This is an amazing contest! Enter me, please!

+1 leaving a comment.
+3 becoming a follower.
+5 promoting the contest. (
+1 on the sidebar. (same url above)
+1 i was referred by katie at katie's bookshelf.

Carrie said...

AMAZING contest!!! Thanks!

+1 commment
+3 follower
+5 blogged about it
+1 sidebar

BN Book Blog said...

Dang! This contest is beyond amazing!
+3 We became followers
+6 Linked our WoW post!

Thanks a ton.
Beth & Nathan

Juiciliciousss Reviews said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Jenna said...

This contest is freaking amazing! Please include me. And yes, I have noticed that there are some amazing releases coming up. I can't wait to read them all!

+1 leaving a comment
+3 I am a follower

Thanks for the contest!


Lana said...

What a fantastic contest! So many of these books look absolutely amazing.

+1 leaving a content
+3 became a follower
+6 Waiting on Wednesday post

I was referred by Yan (Books by their cover)

Kelly Jensen said...

This is too awesome!

+1 Leaving a comment
+3 Becoming a follower
+5 Promoting via Twitter counts, right? as soon as I'm done posting this comment!


Anonymous said...

Wow! I'm in!
+ 1 leaving a comment
+ 3 I'm a follower

Anonymous said...

Oh, and my email is:


Unknown said...

Nice list you got there I want in on the fun and giveaway.

Unknown said...

+5 Blogged about your giveaway on my blog

+1 became a follower of your blog

RagDollVampGirl said...

+1 leaving a comment.. This Contest Is AWESOME!!
+3 became a follower
+1 Alex And Lauren From A Flight Of Minds Sent Me..



Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

+1 Holy mother of books this is an amazzzing contest!
+3 new follower
+1 Flight of Minds
+6 posted my link!


Gabby-Lily Raines said...

+1 (comment) Great contest

Came over by way of Wendy's Minding Spot ( )

Wendy said...

This is the coolest contest, count me in! :)

- Wendy (omgitswendy at gmail dotcom)

Cari said...

+1 Hooray for giveaways! Thanks!
+3 I follow.
+1 Erica at The Book Cellar referred me.

Thanks so much!
Cari neohippy10 at hotmail dot com

Tinamarie said...

I have wanted to read some YA literature, this may be a nice way to start. ;O)

Cool idea and contest!

DeNiSe said...

OMG this are all great book Thanks for giving them away in a contest
The contest ends on the first day of school for me great !!! somthing I can look forward to :}

DeNiSe said...

+3 I become a follower

Briana said...

This is such an amazing contest! OMG! Thank you for doing this!!

+3 - Follower
+1 - comment
+1 - contest in sidebar
+1 - referred by The Book Scout
+ 6 - Waiting on Wednesday

from BAM Book Reviews


Rylie said...

Enter me, please!

+1 for leaving a comment
+1 Yan from Books By Their Cover referred me

bcanyon at hotmail dot com

DeNiSe said...

+5 Promoting this contest on my blog over at

margaret said...

Please oh PRETTY PLEASE add me!!!

+1 for Leaving a Comment
+3 for becoming a follower
+5 for promoting this contest on my blog:
+1 for promoting it in your sidebar
+ 1 for telling you who I was referred by - Carrie @ Carrie's YA Bookshelf

My email is :

Thank you again for holding this AMAZING contest :)

DeNiSe said...

+1 I promoted at my side bar
+1 I was referred by
Lili from chicaReader

DeNiSe said...

+6 My link for my first waiting on Wednesday

Katherine said...

What a great contest
+1 for leaving a comment

Thanks :)

Wendy said...

+1 Commented.
+3 Follower.
+6 Added a link to my WoW post.

- Wendy (omgitswendy at

Ashley said...

I'd love to win these!
I'm a follower :)

Wendy said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Wendy said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Emily Harris said...

Wow, amazing contest! Sign me up!
+1 leaving a comment

Heidi V said...

I would love to win!

+3 New Follower
+5 Blogged about the giveaway @
+1 Person who referred me - Carrie from Carrie's YA Bookshelf

Thank you kindly!
heidivargas [at] live dot com

tawndam said...

oh, wow! Great books!

+1 comment
+3 new follower 127! (c'mon folks!)
+1 Lili from ChicaReader sent me!

Andrea said...

Great contest!!

+1 I left a comment
+1 Wendy at referred me
+ 6 I included my Waiting on Wednesday to your Linky
+5 And I blogged about the contest here


donnas said...

Great contest. Please include me.

+1 - Leaving A Comment
+3 - already a follower
+5 - promoting this contest -
+1 - promoting on sidebar -
+6 - Including your Link to Your Latest Waiting On Wednesday Post in My Linky - done

bacchus76 at myself dot com

Sara said...

Okay, you are crazy, but it is okay because I really want to win. I kind of had a mild heart attack when I saw all the awesomeness you were offering!

+1 comment
+3 follower
+5 blog post (
+1 sidebar @
+1 referred by Erica (The Book Cellar)
+6 added my WoW to your linky

17 total entries

Rebs @ Book-Rants said...

+1 comment
+3 follower

Diana Dang said...

+1 Great contest! :D
+3 for becoming a follower
+1 For Promoting This contest on your sidebar
+1 Telling me the name of the person who referred you: carrie's ya bookshelf


faked_Sugartone at hotmail

Debbie's World of Books said...

+1 Please enter me! dasuzuki at yahoo dot com

+3 I became a follower

+5 I posted about this giveaway:

+1 I also posted about it here:
+1 Telling me the name of the person who referred you and the person who does the referring also gets an extra point (just include in your comment)

+6 I listed my WOW post

Shawna L. said...

Shawna Lewis

Oh WOW what a contest you are my new best friend Ha Ha !!!

+1 Please count me in thanks

+3 Follower

+5 Blogged about contest

+1 The Lounge lizard referred me

10 Points total
thanks so much!!

Sandy said...

+1 for Leaving A Comment
+3 for already being a follower
+5 For Promoting this contest on your blog, sidebars do not count, must be a entry
+1 For Promoting This contest on your sidebar
+1 Shayla from the book explorer referred me!
+6 Including your Link to Your Latest Waiting On Wednesday Post in My Linky:

Zia said...

Love to be entered

+1 for leaving a comment
+3 for becoming a follower
+5 for promoting on my blog. Here
+1 for promoting on my sidebar also Here
+1 referred by Carrie at Carrie's YA Bookshelf
+6 for putting Waiting on Wednesday link on Mr. Linky


April (BooksandWine) said...

+1 comment
+3 becoming a follower
+5 I blogged about the contest (
+1 promoting this on my sidebar (
+1 aflightofminds referred me
+6 posting my latest Waiting on Wednesday in Mr. Linky!!!

April (BooksandWine) said...

Oh dear, I forgot to post my email. It's april(dot)j(dot)conant(at)gmail(dot)com

Christy said...

Hi! Thanks so much for the awesome contest!


+1 for Leaving A Comment
+3 for becoming a follower or already being a follower

Anonymous said...

+1 my e-mail is
+3 am a follower
+5 blogged it
+1 contest in my sidebar
+1 referred by Library Lounge Lizard
+1 also referred by The Hiding Spot
+1 Also, Carrie's YA Bookshelf
+1 also, A flight of minds
A LOT of people are posting this
+6 my last WoW:

pepsivanilla said...


+1 Comment
+3 I became a follower (yay!)

I found you from Yan's link!


Sue said...

GREAT contest. Thanks for sharing your fun reads!

+1 leaving a comment
+1 referred from Wendy's Minding Spot.

s.mickelson at gmail dot com

MissA said...

I love cleaning when it involes making room for new books!
+1 Tashi at Taste Life Twice referred me
honestly all i want is the book of my choice (I don't really care about the other books) :) It's so awesome that you''re doing this!

Sarbear said...

Wow, this is the best contest I've seen like ever!
+1 leaving a comment
+3 am a follower

Samantha LeAnne said...

OMG! I want to read every single book on this list! Like seriously! I think I would cry!

+1 leaving a comment
+3 becoming a follower
+5 promoting on blog (
+1 promoting on sidebar
+1 referred by Carrie at Carrie's YA Bookshelf!
+6 Included my link in Mr. Linky!

Andie said...

+1 leaving a comment
+3 a follower
+5 blogged about it
+1 contest is on the sidebar
+1 referred by Katie at Skellington Graphics (

Unknown said...


+1 for commenting
+3 for being a follower
+1 I was referred by Carrie's YA Bookshelf

This is an awesome contest, thanks!

Wrighty said...

Wow!! What a terrific giveaway! I can't wait to read these books. Thanks for the opportunity and I'm so happy I found your terrific blog!

+1 comment
+3 new follower
+5 added to blog
+1 added to sidebar
+1 found it on Carrie's YA Bookshelf


Wrighty said...

Wow!! What a terrific giveaway! I can't wait to read these books. Thanks for the opportunity and I'm so happy I found your terrific blog!

+1 comment
+3 new follower
+5 added to blog
+1 added to sidebar
+1 found it on Carrie's YA Bookshelf


Linda Nguyen said...

Wow, this is a huge giveaway! I'd like to enter please. Thanks.

I'm also a new follower. =)

lindanmc (at)

Kelli said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kelli said...

+1 You are probably going to get a million entries for a contest that contains this much awesome. I seriously don't know how it's possible to pack this much awesome into a single contest, without it completely blowing up your entire blog from all the awesomeness. Whoever wins this is one lucky booger!

+3 already being a follower
+5 For Promoting this contest on my blog (
+1 For Promoting This contest on sidebar
+1 Samantha over at Harlequin Twilights Book blog sent me your way!
+6 Linked my recent Waiting on Wednesday post!

My email is:

(sorry, I accidentally double posted this, but no worries, I deleted the first one)

D Swizzle said...

leaving a comment
blogged about it
contest listed on my sidebar

D Swizzle said...

Sorry, I forgot

plus one: library lounge lizard

Sara said...

AWESOME contest!!!

+1 for Leaving A Comment
+3 for becoming a follower
+1 Telling me the name of the person who referred you - Books By Their Cover


stacey dempsey said...

wow this would keep me busy reaing for a long time , HOW GREAT
roswello at hotmail dot com

Sylvia said...

This is such a great contest! and also, almost every book you're giving away are really sought for so I really really hope I win!:)

+1 for commenting:)
+3 I'm a follower
+1 Yan referred me!


Lilixtreme said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lilixtreme said...

This contest is huge and I wanna win so bad, kinda tired not getting books anymore--mom got laid off, again. And now I'll be starting high school, oh joy (sarcasm).

+1 comment
+3 already a follower! Duh, you're awesome!
+5 posted it:
+1 on my sidebar:

Awesome contest, Cindy, thanks for having it!

Pam said...

Holy generous contest! Count me in!

+1 comment
+3 new follower (I'm #150!)
+1 Lilibeth Ramos referred me

melacan at hotmail odt com

Debbie F said...

Count me in!

+1 - comment
+3 - follower
+1 - referred by Yan at Books by their cover

dcf_beth at verizon dot net

ColleenFL said...

+1 for Leaving A Comment

+3 for becoming a follower

+1 Telling me the name of the person who referred you and the person who does the referring also gets an extra point (just include in your comment) I was referred by Library Lounge Lizard

Cool contest!

atrue at iname dot com

Jenni @ Falling Off The Shelf said...

OMG!! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to win all of these books. You'd be my bestestest friend if you chose me, lol.

+1 Commenting
+3 Already a Follower
+1 Sidebar post (
+1 Referred by Debbie @Debbie's World of Books

jennilovevirgo AT aol DOT com

Thanks so much! (I know I probaby won't win..but thanks for posting such a wonderful contest for all of us).

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wow! You really know how to throw a contest!

+3 I've become a follower

+5 Promoting this contest here (Does it count if I have a contest's page on my blog?)

+1 I was referred here by Taste Life Twice.

+6 I've included my latest WOW post.

Laurie T said...

Fantastic contest!
+1 leaving comment
+3 already a follower
+1 learned about contest from Carrie's YA Bookshelf blog

Laurie (

Diana Marie said...

Wow soo much books! Awesome contest.

+1 leaving a comment
+3 Follower
+1 Learned about this contest from Carrie YA Bookshelf


Kerry S. said...

I'd love to be entered!

+1 for leaving a comment
+1 referred by Carrie from Carrie's YA Bookshelf


Sage Ravenwood said...

+1 Wonderful list of books. I haven't had a chance to read any of them yet. Please include me in this drawing. Thanks! Indigo

+3 I'm now following you.

Alicia said...

+1 okay first of all - AMAZING contest
+3 I just became a follower :)

adw7984 at gmail dot com

Gina said...

Wow! Great contest! Count me in!
Thanks for sharing these great titles with the masses!

+1 for Leaving A Comment


Cate said...

+1 Amazing contest! I think I gazed at the list for a good five minutes!

+3 Became a Follower

+5 Blogged About it

+1 On Sidebar


Leslie said...

+1 this is great!!
+3 became a follower
+5 blogged about it here:
+1 promoting it on sidebar at my main blog:
+1 Bookworming in the 21st century blog
+6 here's my waiting on wednesday post:

leslie-lv at hotmail dot com

Shanyn said...

+1 comment
+3 follower
+1 referred by Debbie's World of Books
+6 Waiting on Wednesday post

thank you!

shanynlee at

Robby said...

Whoa this is awesome.
i'm leaving a comment. +1
i'm a follower +3
i'm going to go blog about it right now. +5
holy crap this is cool.

runningforamsterdam @ hotmail . com

Winning Readings said...

I'd love to read these!

And I'm a follower!

janemaritz at yahoo dot com

Wythe County Public Library Youth Services said...

This is an incredibly awesome contest and I would LOVE to be included!

+1 Comment
+3 Became a Follower
+5 I posted a blog entry here:
+1 I mentioned it in my sidebar
+1 I heard about this contest in a Tweet from catagator (Kelly Jensen)


Janssen said...

Wow this is amazing! I'd love to win!

The Lovely Reader said...

+1 Commenting
+3 Follower
+1 Denise Madness sent me!

Thanks for the contest!!

barbrafl737 (at) yahoo (dot) com

jpetroroy said...

+1 Comment
+1 From Carrie's YA Bookshelf

Sarah said...

Great contest! I'd love to be entered.

+1 for commenting
+3 for becoming a follower
+1 referred from Carrie's YA bookshelf


Lost in a Book said...

This is amazing!
+1 my comment!
+3 I am a follower
+5 I blogged about it at
+1 it's on my sidebar
+6 I posted my lastest WOW
+1 Good Books and Good Wine referred me!


Jenn said...

Wow this is a awesome contest!

+3 I am a follower!
+1 Yan reffered me

thank you so much for this contest!

Julie said...

So many books in one contest!! Nice contest and I hope you get all the September books you want.

+1 for leaving a comment
+3 Becoming a follower
+1 Lili from ChicaReader referred me


Anonymous said...

Awesome, thanks!
+1 comment
+3 following

Mallory said...

+1 leaving a comment
+3 becoming a follower
+5 Blogged about it
+1 Person who referred me


Libby's Library said...

+1 This is fantastic, please count me in!
+3 I became a follower.
+5 I blogged it here:
+1 Debbie's World of Books sent me here

Thanks so much


Jordan Perryman said...

OMG when I heard about this I fell out of my chair. There are so many on this list that I want to read. Almost all of them actually.

+3 becoming a follower
+5 promoting the contest
+1 for promoting in sidebar
+1 was refered by Erica at the Book Cellar
+6 Waiting on Wednesday post

+5 answer the questions. Will send answers right now.

Thanks so much. I cant wait to see who wins.


nfmgirl said...

Wow! Now THAT's a giveaway! Please count me in!

+1 for commenting
+3 for following
+5 for promoting it in a blog post:

I was referred by Debbie of Wrighty's Reads.

nfmgirl AT gmail DOT com

CrystalGB said...

Great contest. Count me in please.

+1 leaving a comment
+3 I am a follower.
+1 referred by Wendy at (


Unknown said...

This is an amazing contest thanks!

+1 for Leaving A Comment
+3 am a follower
+5 blogged about it

+1 added to sidebar

+6 added my link to Mr. Linky


Kat Duncombe said...

+1 Leaving a comment
+3 Following you
+5 Blogged about it at
+1 I was referred by Library Lounge Lizard


Hillary said...

+1 for leaving a comment
+1 Yan

Sarbear said...

Add some more for me, please (I already left a comment and am a follower, up above).
Now I have:
+5 Blogged about this giveaway at:
+1 Dannie at Opiniated? Me? is my referral :D

Jessica said...

Great contest!

I'm leaving a comment. ;)

I am now following your blog.

I posted a blog about your contest

And I posted a link to your contest on my sidebar.

I was referred by Library Lounge Lizard.

Anonymous said...

Whoa, this is a ton of books. I'd love to be entered :)

+1 commenting
+1 posted on sidebar!
+1 Lizzy from referred me!
+6 my WoW is posted in Mr. Linky

Hailey said...

This sounds like an awesome contest! Please enter me.

+1 For leaving a comment.
+3 For becoming a follower.
+1 Was reffered by The Book Cellar at


Angiegirl said...

This is an amazing contest! I can't believe you're able to part with all of these. But I understand needing to free up space.

+1 Comment
+3 Following

angiegirl (at) gmail (dot) com

Yan said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Jessica ( frellathon ) said...

OMG this has got to be the most awesome sauce giveaway ever. Count me in pretty please. Thanks.

ilonga said...

+1 awesome contest!!!
+3 for becoming a follower
+5 For promoting this contest on my blog: here
+1 for promoting this contest on my sidebar (in the contests area)
+1 for telling you the name of the person who referred me: Carrie from Carrie's YA Bookshelf

ibeeeg said...

OMG! What a cool contest!

I have become a follower!! woot!

I posted a link about this contest on my blog's sidebar.

Wendy at Wendy's Minding Spot referred me.

Anonymous said...

Include me please! Great contest. :)
+1 leaving comment
+3 follower
+5 Promotin on my blog (
+1 Colleen @ Confessions of a Book Nerd referred me
+6 Posted my WoW in your linky. :)

Tales of Whimsy said...

Great contest! I would love to win and I'm becoming a follower right now.


Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

I entered in yesterday, but I didn't post it - why? Possibly somehow in the excitment, it slipped my mind. But I did it today!

+5 blogging about the contest
Here is my link:


Kara said...

This is an AWESOME contest. I want to win so much!
+1 for leaving a comment
+3 for becoming a follower
+5 for promoting the contest on my blog -
+1 for telling you who referred me - Kristen from -

Mariah said...

Absolutally amazing contest!

+1 Leaving a comment
+3 Became follower
+5 Blogged about it
+1 in sidebar
+6 posted link to waiting on Wednesday in Mr. Linky
+1 Yan referred me!

silverbookgirl at yahoo dot com

Lori said...

+1 For Comment
+3 I'm a new follower
+5 For Promoting this contest on your blog:
+6 Including your Link to Your Latest Waiting On Wednesday Post in My Linky: Did this!!
+1 Kate at The Neverending Shelf referred me. (
+1 Sidebar post

Lori(Pure Imagination)

MeganRebekah said...

+1 for comment
+3 for following

Also I have a contest going on for free books over at

Tricia said...

Awesome Contest!

+1 Leaving A Comment
+3 Becoming A Follower
+1 Posted on Sidebar under contests
+1 Lori at Pure Imagination referred me

stargirlreads said...

Enter me :)
Kate from sent me
+1 for Leaving A Comment
+3 for becoming a follower or already being a follower
+1 Telling me the name of the person who referred you and the person who does the referring also gets an extra point (just include in your comment)

Anonymous said...

What a great contest! I would love to enter it- there are so many books coming out in September that it is going to be hard to choose what to read first!

+1 for posting a comment
+3 for Following

Thanks for having this contest.

Chloe said...

AMAZING contest, with some great books! Please sign me up :D

+1 Commenting
+3 Follower


Pixie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Pixie said...

Sorry about the deleted post. I hit the wrong button.

Awesome give away. Thank you.
+1 commented on your review of The Forrest of Hands and Teeth
+3 new follower
+5 promo on our site
+1 promo on side bar
+1 The Neverending Shelf
+6 linked our Waiting on Wed.

- Pixie weblogbooks[at]gmail[dot]com

Mishel (P.S. I Love Books) said...

This contest rocks my socks!!

-I'd love a chance to win it!
-I'm a new follower =)
-I added a link to this contest on my sidebar
-Yan from Books by Their Cover referred me =)
-Linked to my WoW choice for yesterday on your Mr. Linky

thanks so much!!

mishtakes AT gmail DOT com

dag888888 said...

+1 Please count me in!

+3 Already a follower!

+1 Referred by Books by Their Cover blog!


OIKZ said...

Thanks for this cool opportunity to win these new amazing YA releases!! This is definitely a hot giveaway =]

+1 for Leaving A Comment
+3 for becoming a follower or already being a follower
+5 For Promoting this contest on your blog, sidebars do not count, must be a entry
+6 Including your Link to Your Latest Waiting On Wednesday Post in My Linky

---> oikz_713[at]hotmail[dot]com

dor said...

I can't get over how many books you are offering.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

I am a follower.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

dor said...

Debbie's World of Books referred me. Thanks Deb.

dorcontest at gmail dot com

LuAnn said...

Wendy over at Wendy's Minding Spot told me about your great contest. I'd love to have my name included in the drawing too! Thanks.

Sunshine Edition said...

Hi im new to your blog and love it!!! But oh my-Oh my you are so generous!

+1-leaving a comment
+3-Became a follower
+5 posted about this on my blog
+1- Posted on Sidebar
+6- link to waiting on Wednesday

Sunshine Edition said...

Forgot to give you my email-

Thanks again

Stacey said...

+1 for commenting
+3 for following (going to do that now)
+1 for telling you who told me about this (Pixie on let me know about this, we are Co-Admin over at page turners!)
And not sure if i can get the +5 for blogging, i'ts on my blog, but i wasnt the one who posted it.

you can email me at
secsec1 (at) gmail (dot) com


Anonymous said...

Fantastic contest
Id love to enter
Count me in
+1 for the comment
+3 I became a follower
+1 I heard about it from carries ya bookshelf


Unknown said...

Yan Sent me!

+1 Comment
+3 Follower

I'll add your contest soon!


Cat said...

Ok, I'm entering! I thought this was US only, so, yay for Canada!

+1 comment
+1 Yan (Books by Their Cover) harassed me into entering ;)

um.. add the +6 for the Mr Linky if I can find it. ;) My blog is Beyond Books.

thanks for the contest!!

Valorie said...

+1 Man, what an awesome sounding contest. All those books put sparkles in my eyes.
+3 I am a follower.
+5 Entry:
+1 Wendy at referred me.
+6 Added my Waiting on Wednesday post.


The Library Lurker said...

Thank you SOOOO much for giving book lovers everywhere the chance to win all of these amazing books!

+1 for comment
+3 for becoming a follower
+1 for being referred by Yan of Books By Their Cover.

Liyana said...

+1 Yan referred me!
+3 I'm a follower
+1 Sidebarred
+6 my WoW post:


+1 Yay for books! Seriously, this is awesome.

+3 following

+5 for promoting this contest--

+1 referred by Just Another Book Blog

Unknown said...

I would love to win!
1+ leaving a comment
3+ I am a follower
1+ Yan from Book By Their Cover sent me here.

Ashley Rudder

holdenj said...

+1 for commenting please count me in on this generous giveaway!

+1 I was sent by Laura's Review Bookshelf!


JHolden955 (at) gmail (dot) com

Jolynn said...

Wow this sooo Great! I've never seen a contest this BIG!
+1 Jolynn_Reads @yahoo dot com
+3 Follower
+1 referred by Library Lounge Lizard

Too bad for me I don't have a blog.

barbara said...

Wow - I love books! I can't imagine having all of these just laying around the house and then being willing to give them up.
+1 leaving a comment
+3 I am a new follower
+1 Valorie sent me

BookFanatic said...

Email: i_yamileth_h_11(at)hotmail(dot)com

+1 for Leaving A Comment
+3 already a follower
+1 For Promoting This contest on your sidebar
+1 Telling me the name of the person who referred you (the book cellar (blog)

Beth (BBRB) said...

What an awesome giveaway!

I'm a new follower!

BethsBookReviewBlog AT gmail DOT com

Jenna said...

Please enter me!
+1 for Leaving A Comment
+3 am a follower
+5 Just put an entry up on my blog
+1 It's on my sidebar

I didn't do Waiting on Wednesday this week, so I'll do that next week!

vailfiregirl at yahoo dot com

Ashley said...

WOW, this is an amaaaaaazing contest! You are purely awesome, haha!


+1 Leaving a comment.
+3 I became a follower.
+1 I put this on my sidebar at
+1 Laura's Review Bookshelf referred me.
+6 My Waiting on Wednesday post:

sherryladan said...

Hi Cindy !!! This is Sherry aka sherryladan @ Just stopping in to say hi. Love the books you are reccomending. Like I need more books. I'm also following you on here. Ok, maybe I'm also stalking you so I can get your books. LOL!!!

I posted and am now stalking, I mean um following you. LOL!!

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in your drawing!

Marnie said...

Cool Contest.

+1 for Leaving A Comment
+3 am a follower
+5 For Promoting this contest on your blog : Link is (

Mr. Linky -- not sure what this is will have to google for know.

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