Wednesday, August 26

Waiting On Wednesday 8/26 (8)

Waiting on Wednesday was started by Jill over at Breaking The Spine!

Tangled by Caroline Mackler

Release Date: December 2009

No Summary On Amazon Yet!!!

Something Like Fate by Susane Colasanti

Release Date: May 2010

My Boyfriend's Dogs by Dandi Daley Mackall

Release Date: February 2010

No Summary Yet on Amazon!!

ALL 3 OF THESE BOOKS LOOK AMAZING!!! I want them now! I can't wait, I'm so excited just looking at them! Yay!

Don't forget to link your Waiting On Wednesday


Robby said...

the cover for Something Like Fate looks so cute! :D

Jenna said...

Something Like Fate is one I'm looking forward too as well! I'll have to check out the others.

Melissa said...

These look really great.

Anonymous said...

I really like the Tangled cover!

margaret said...

All of these books look really really good :) Now I can't wait for them too! :)

stargirlreads said...

Thanks for this post. Helped me update my wishlist

Lizzy said...

I loved the covers for all three of those books. I'll have to add them all to my reading pile

Ashley said...

What's Something Like Fate about?

Bianca said...

I want all of those books!

Mari - Escape In A Book said...

I love the cover on Tangled and My Boyfriend's Dogs! They look great! I hope the books are as good as the covers :)

Unknown said...

Hi--I'm the author of MY BOYFRIENDS' DOGS, and I love it that you're psyched about the book coming out. Me too! It was so much fun to write--and remember....
I just got the trailer for the book. If you want to take a peek, or even use it on your website, go for it!

Thanks, guys--Dandi


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