EDIT: YAY! IT LOOKS LIKE IT WORKS NOW. YOU CAN TYPE IN princessbookie.com and it will go right to this site now, yay!!! Yay for domain names!!!!!
Also found the new cover for Kristen's New Book!!!

♥♥♥♥♥♥♥Princess Bookie♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ | Creative Commons Attribution- Noncommercial License | Dandy Dandilion Designed by Simply Fabulous Blogger Templates
CONGRATS on your new domain name! I love it!
congrats! love your site.
Awesome! I've been thinking about getting my own domain name, just have yet to decide on it...eh. Maybe I'll have a poll, lol.
So, how does this .com thing work? U are still part of blogspot? Or what? Help me understand Cindy!!
Yep, technically I am. but I bought my own domain name through blogspot. so now when you type in princessbookie.com it should go right to my site.
Congrats on getting everything sorted. I looked at the top of your blog, now I want some cupcakes :D
So, how much is it to buy it? (you can answer me in an email, bloodybookaholic(at)hotmail(dot)com
*high five* on the url! I just bought mine recently too.
LOVE this book name/cover.
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