I'm sitten here getting ready to go to bed. I've been going through and reading through the contests post, I've noticed, Yes, a lot of people are entering but a lot of the same people (and thats good). I know some of my followers aren't into contests and some just aren't online this weekend (more chances for you right? LOL).
I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings or make anyone upset. What I usually do is enter all the names (with the entries, etc) into excel. Than I go over to random org and let it decide on the number. Than I look at my excel sheet and whoever is that number, wins.
Heres my dilema, I'm good at keeping track of winners, etc. There are a lot of contests (including all the ones tomorrow).
Should a person be able to win more than one contest? If you say yes, if you don't win any, but another person wins 2, are you going to still say yes to that question?? If a person wins one, should they be eliminated from the rest after they won the first?? Even if you say yes to be allowed more than one winning, the chances they win more than 2 are slim.
Nothing is set in stone, I'm just looking for thoughts. But I want to be fair, but not everyone is going to agree with what I decide in the end.
Weekly Reading Goals
3 days ago
I personally wouldn't accept more than one win, but I don't have an issue with someone winning more than one contest.
I'm going to bed soon, also. Tomorrow will be a long day. LOL!
To answer your question, IMO I think you should be eligible to win period. If you've already one one, and win another or two more, well, good for you! I for one won't be upset, I think it's just fair, and darn lucky of you. You are offering up a lot of great books that many would like to read, I know I would. If randomorg. is being your friend that day, then so be it.
Again that's just my opinion.
Have a good night
I think you should be allowed to win as many as randomorg will let you. This is supposed to be all in fun anyway.
I can't believe I'm still awake. :(
To answer your question, my opinion is that every winner is picked at random so there is a chance that one person could win more than one giveaway. I wouldn't be upset, those are just the odds.
I was wondering how you were going to do that. Personally, I don't care if the same person wins more than one. It won't bother me since I know that you are honest and will be using random.org. However, I think that someone should not be allowed to win more than say 3 contests.
And i agree with everyone else. Yeah I know, how original.
And I agree with Book Pixie, haha. But yeah, following others- I don't mind somebody winning more than one contest, as long as it isn't more than like three times.
I think since it's selected randomly it would be okay for someone to win more than one contest. Maybe if you want to put a cap on it (like you can only win 3 contests) you select the winners using the random generator just like normal. If you find that someone has won 5 contests, you ask them to pick which 3 prizes they want, and then run the generator again on the contests that they passed up on.
I don't foresee you having this problem though. Maybe some people will win 2 contests or so, but I'll be shocked if someone is randomly selected for more than that! Good for them, though... LOL that would be lucky!
I agree with letting randomorg. pick, no matter how many times they may have won.
I think that people should be able to win as many as the random generator selects them to!
But I do think that those who are logging into different accounts and entering multiple times should be disqualified. That's not fair to the rest of us. :(
I think it's fair for everyone be able to win more than once. It's random chance, so it's not as if it's biased or anything.
That is VERY TRUE! I am very very dependent on randomorg.
I agree with that last comment. It is usually obvious when people log onto more than one. The patterns, I'm very good at noticing them. And I follow the contests I host pretty closely. like, yes I am going through and looking at all the comments and reading them. So Don't be too worried about that. Its obvious. lol
Another thing to consider. These people doing that, what will they do if they win 2, they will have the same name and address (pretty obvious). LOL
For Example: if you and your sibling have blogs, and you both enter, you will have the same addy, but the chances of you both winning are probably slim. AND, most siblings that have blogs (I know a few of them) have blogs that they are actually using-blogging. (not ones that just joined today.) LOL
My point is that the ones doing this, it is usually obvious, so please don't.
I'm with the majority. I don't mind if anyone wins more than once.
If anyone else is around, comment on the post. Would like anyone's opinion.
Just be nice, not everyone will agree.
I see what you mean - it kind of seems like people shouldn't win more than once.
But then, if you would have won more than once, maybe you should get to pick which one of the books you really want before the winner of the others is rechosen.
You get what I'm saying?
I was also wondering about this considering so far there were about an average of 30 entries for each contest. I agree with Kat, maybe have a pre-determined cap to the number of times a single person can win. Then eliminate that person from the rest of the drawings. That way more people will win and more people will feel drawn to come back here to enter more giveaways!
I get what your saying too, and I thought of that. BUT, because there are so many contests (I mean you see how many have posted, there are just as many tomorrow.
Example: Lets say Willy Wonka Wins 4 contests, I post it under the winner blog. And Betty Crocker Wins 3 other contests. That ties up 7 contests total while I'm trying to wait for them to decide which one they want. they email me, than I have to rechoose the winners for the contests they did not want, than another 24-48 hours go by for the second winner to notify me.
What I'm saying is it would be time consuming, does that make sense? I tried to explain it how I was thinking. Yes if the person was online ALOT than it would go faster but some people don't have internet access like that.
I have Sunday And Monday devoted to getting winners announced.
I want to get the names and address to the people donating ASAP. I don't want to make the generous authors/publishers/bloggers to have to wait forever to start getting them ready to be mailed out.
Does that make sense?
Sorry I rambled. LOL
I definitely would not be upset if someone more than once. You are using randomorg and if someone is lucky enough to get their name chosen twice or however many times...good for them.
I hope that you have a wonderful day tomorrow and I am a bit bummed that I cannot particiapate but I have to work.
Thanks Lori!
I agree with everyone. If your picked at random, and win... good for you! If you happen to be picked more then once, luck must be on your side. :o)
Being that winners are all picked at random, no one should be upset by the fact that someone MIGHT win more then once, it's all the luck of the draw.
I don't have an issue with a person winning more than one contest. If you enter one contest or a dozen (haha!) you should be eligible to win each one.
Hope this helps. :)
I agree with everyone else who commented. Because you're using a random number generator it is fair if people win more than once.
I agree with you and completely see your point! I wouldn't be upset if someone won more than once, it's not like you're picking and choosing winners. It's all random and it sounds like many of the people on here are okay with that! I think it's pretty cool that you're doing this in the first place and spending so much of your time on it! So, THANK YOU! :)
I think that if a person is lucky enough to win more than once, they deserve it! :p So I wouldn't mind if someone won more than once.
Awesome question! I think it's okay if one wins more than once. It's totally fair, and you'll be super lucky! It won't bother me at all :)
Thanks for letting us share our thoughts with you.
I personally won't mind but I do agree that there should be a limit. I know the chances are slim but if someone happens to be winning a lot, I think there should be a limit so that others can have a chance too.
But overall I will not be mad :)
I think it is fine for the same person to win more than one prize. Random.org is random.
I wouldn't mind someone winning more than once either. I wouldn't mind anything that you decide, it's YOUR contest and I would hope everyone would respect that. All of the people here certainly do! :) With so many contests I would do whatever is easiest for you. There have been great suggestions but you brought up an excellent point when you mentioned having to wait for the back and forth emails if winners got to pick their top choices. What a pain that would be. There probably will be some who win more than once but it would be their lucky day! It seems like there would be quite an assortment of winners anyway.
These giveaways are extremely generous and people will envy the winners, of course, but we can all buy them ourselves or get them at our libraries as well. It's not the end of the world if we don't win. You're going to have a very full weekend so do what works best for you. Thanks for all you've done to put this together, good luck and have fun with the Read-a-thon!
I think if someone won more than three, then they should just stick with 3.
But, it is random, so I don't know *shrugs* Dilemma!
I think it should be allowed and no I won't be upset if someone other than me does win more than one! Brenda
I think whoever wins, wins. If each contest has a bunch of entries already and there are still almost 18 hours until they close, it'll be slim one single person will win a huge amount of them. A lot more people who are less obsessed with their feed readers than I am probably still haven't entered yet anyway. Plus, like everyone else said, it's random, so it'll be fair no matter no matter what the outcome.
I agree that I would not care if a person won more than one contest.
I think you should be able to win as many as you win.
If someone wins more than once, that's great! Its random, so if today is their lucky day, then so be it! :)
I don't have a problem with someone winning more than one. I figure if that's how random.org wants it, then that's how it's supposed to be!
I think you should be able to win more than one. It's the luck if the draw and if someone is luckier than others then so be it.
I agree with most of the other comments - it wouldn't bother me at all if someone won multiple draws. If luck is on their side for the day, can't argue with fate! I'm only entering international ones though, so the US people's opinions might be more valid since there's more of those. Either way, whatever you decide to do is fine! :)
Whoever wins is fine by me, even if they win them all. Life will still go on.
I agree too, but I would definitely put a cap on it somewhere. I would not be upset if someone won more than one, some people are just lucky.
I wouldn't mind if someone wins more than once.. and I know I've entered quite a number of your contests. But I think if I won more than once or twice, I wouldn't accept all the books. Because it's nice to have other people get a chance too. So it doesn't matter if someone wins two or three times- it's your contest. But I wouln't accept three or four wins.
Good question, and it's a tough one. I think the chances of the same person winning multiple contests is slim. I think you might get the same person winning 2 contests but the odds are that great that they'll win more than that.
I'm RTing ever tweet I see for your awesome giveaway. I hope that brings in more people.
I think if its the same people entering, then those people should get at least one. Then if you have extra, the people who wrote an entry for it should get the extras? It sounds fair?
I think the best thing to do would be to limit the wins of one person to 2 books. I won't be upset if someone else wins two and I don't win any...but if they were to win 3 or more that might be unfair! But that's just me and my humble opinion! :-P
xoxo~ Renee
I think it's fine if someone wins more than once. It's all a random thing anyway and it's for fun. I've seen a couple of people say that you could put a cap on the number of wins and I think that would work out well too.
Or maybe someone randomly wins 4 or 5 of them and you let them pick which 3 they really want. Something like that could work.
P.S. Good luck with the read-a-thon!!!
I'm saying this not because I've entered a lot or that I'm greedy. I would leave it up to random org.
You advertised the contest for a while before you had it. Most if not all your followers knew about it. It comes down to all of us are taking the time to enter knowing the chances.
As for time in winners announcement. Maybe make another announcement and say you have this day or this day and that's it to claim your prize. They can't complain they weren't forewarned.
All in all this is supposed to be a fun and entertaining weekend. Let the ball fall where it may. Whatever you decide I'll be behind you 100%. (Hugs)Indigo
I'm okay with a person winning more than two when it's all done by a random number generator. It's all about fate.
And yes, I will still say that later if I haven't won any. It's a contest that I put in for, it's for free, so I didn't lose any money on the deal. And maybe that just means I have some extra luck left over for another contest I want to enter.
I may grumble and mumble to myself a little, but if it's something I really really super duper wanted, I will buy it and show that author some support. Really, even if I don't win, and it was that important to me, I'll get the book one way or the other.
I think you should be able to win more than one - it's totally random so it's ok imo.
I think yes, it'd be ok. After all, the idea that we entered more than one means we're interested in more than one...and then you don't have to do the hassle of throwing out all the entries of everyone that's won so far.
The way I see it...if someone takes the time to enter multiple contests...doesn't it seem wrong to take their chances of winning away from them?
I personally have no hard feeling against someone winning more than once, twice, etc. I'll be ecstatic if I win the ONE contest I've entered! LOL
Keep up the good work, Cindy...you're doing a great job! GOOD LUCK to everyone! :D
~ Lori
I think if the person wins fair and square then that's it. It's fate! LOL
I blieve it is just the luck of the draw. I would say that I think you should be able to win as many as you want. Because what happens if you win one so you get kicked out of the all the rest that was not fair either.
I think if you win more than once than that's awesome, it was the luck of the draw. You either get lucky or you don't, and they deserve their prizes :)
I think a win one area shouldn't mean you get knocked out of all the others. It is all different contests, its just going on at the same time and I would still think it was fair even if someone won 5 and I won none. It would be the same if you ran one contest, chose a winner then did another, chose a winner. Plus, it saves on shipping =P
I can see everyones point about multiple winners, it should not knock you out of the rest. I'll know by tonight what is going to happen.
PS it will not save on shipping, most are going directly from authors/publishers. LOL
Its all in fun. So if one person gets picked by random more than once, than its their lucky day.
I agree with most everyone else, if someone wins more than 1, cool for them. If it was me I'd be so excited, but if it wasn't it'd still be ok.
You're already being so generous hosting all these contests, you shouldn't have to worry about anyone getting upset with you!
I don't mind anyone winning more than one book. I usually do my giveaways the same way, and if someone ends up winning more than one contest, so be it!
It all has to do with luck. If I don't win anything and someone wins 5 I don't care, lol. Yes it'll be a little disappointing, but I already have soooo many books to read, so I won't be too heartbroken :)
Here's an idea: IF someone wins more than one, let them pick which one they want & then pick another winner for the one they didn't want.
Caite: I thought about that, but I think it would just be too time consuming. And, than if the person wanted to think about it, it ties up that contest.
I think you should be able to win more than one! If someone wants to up their chances by entering for a ton, good for them and if they win, even better for them! :)
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