Saturday, January 23

In My Mailbox 1/23 (22)

In My Mailbox is inspired by Kristi@The Story Siren

Another slow week this week! In a few weeks, I plan on buying books! yay!

For Review:
Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready (Around The World Tours)

When her boyfriend dies a most untimely death, Aura--who can see ghosts--is forced to reconsider her relationship with the living and dead in SHADE.

Blush by Opal Carew (buddy swap on pbs)

I don't read too much erotica but I read Swing and it was really good. It was more about romance and her best friend than anything.

Hanna Lane wishes she could shed her inhibitions and unleash her wild side in the bedroom. When she meets J. M.--a Kama Sutra and Tantra master--they embark on a sizzling path of discovery, exploring the ancient sensual arts and discovering new techniques that allow Hanna to unlock her naughtiest fantasies and make them a red-hot reality. But when Hanna’s exboyfriend Grey re-enters her life determined to win her back, Hanna longs to share herself with both men. But can she tell J.M. and Grey her most taboo fantasy? And who will win her for keeps?

What did you get this week?


Natascha De Marco said...

Lol to the second book. Looks like the girl wants a 3 some loool

Hope you have fun with both books ^^

Orchid said...

Shade sounds interesting. Hope you enjoy both of your books. :)

Julie said...

Shade has been on my list for the past month! Can't wait for your review.

Cindy said...

Taschima, I know! I don't know if she does or not. Or maybe its worded weird and she has to pick between the 2 guys, no clue! we'll see when I read it LOL

Monster of Books said...

ooh Shade looks good, can't wait to hear your thoughts. Happy Reading!!

Liz @ Cleverly Inked said...

Shade looks like the dark divine cover and whats that other one.. O Poo I cant remember

YA Book Queen said...

Shade sounds so awesome, and Blush looks pretty steamy, lol.

Have fun reading Cindy! :D

Kari Olson said...

I can't wait to read Shade and the erotica one does look good.... if nothing else, it does have a great cover. Happy reading!

Anonymous said...

Shade sounds cool! The other ones sounds like it'll be an intersting time. lol

Alyssa Kirk said...

Shade looks good. The second one looks...steaming!

Alexia561 said...

Looking forward to Shade, as I love Jeri! Enjoy!

Corrine said...

Shade looks really good! Blush looks very steamy! Hope you enjoy your books! :)

Nancy said...

I love Jeri Smith-Ready and I hope you enjoy her debut YA novel. I cannot wait for your review.

Rebecca said...

Awesome books you got this week. Shade looks really interesting. Hope you enjoy reading all your books.

Anonymous said...

Great books.. Blush sounds really good!

fredamans said...

Both look good.

Stephanie said...

Shade looks intriguing and Blush sounds HOT! :-) Enjoy!

Kathy Martin said...

I'm looking forward to Shade because I have read her adult paranormals and liked them.

Happy reading!

Brooke Reviews said...

Ohh SHADE! I'm super jealous :D

Eleni said...

Nice books! I wanna read Shade, look forward to your review :P

Jenn (Books At Midnight) said...

Ohh, so jealous of Shade; it looks awesome! Happy reading! :D

Carrie at In the Hammock Blog said...

Love the cover for shade!


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