I don't generally share too many personal things on here, because I figure you come here to read book reviews, not read about my personal life but this one is for anyone whose ever had a big test like I have today!
So, I'm almost done with college. I am taking Algebra right now, ONLINE! No teacher, nobody there to tell me if I'm right or wrong! I live an hour away from the campus and can't drive so I take most of my classes online through the college. My boyfriend has tried to help me, he just "gets" it so its hard for him to understand how I "don't." All week I have wanted to throw my book across the room! LOL. I'm just not very good at fractions, negative numbers, all the million formula's dealing with algebra. I'm also not a good test taker! I'm more a writer or daily work type of girl!
Well, today is my first proctored exam. Do I feel ready? No. Not at all. I'm scared out of my mind. Half the time I don't know what I'm doing. I never learned this stuff. When I was in high school, I had one of those teachers who gave you the assignment and walked by your desk, if you "attempted" to do it you got credit that day. Most of the time, I didn't know if my answers were right or wrong. I went to him a few times, and the only time he had "time" to help was after school so that was a no go most days.
I feel like I'm back in high school. All night long I tossed and turned and had dreams about taking this darn test. One of them, I forgot my pencils! Another one, I didn't hear the teacher say to start so when I glanced around, everyone was finished and turning their test in and I hadn't even started yet!!! My stomach hurts, I woke up so many times soaked in sweat! I've been working on the assignments out of the book and when I check my answers, half of them are wrong! Of course we can't use the book, notes, or a calculator today. And the test is 2 1/2 hours long!
Thanks for letting me vent, I now at least feel a little bit better. I don't know how much that is going to help me with the test though! LOL
FYI:My Major is Criminal Justice with a minor in Psychology. I am almost FINISHED.
Good luck... hope all goes well.
Aww, Cindy. Just do your best. Remember to breathe and maybe do a few stretching exercises before you start, it will help your concentration. Good luck.
That sucks so much =[
I understand Algebra, so I could have probably help you.
Good luck girl
I know how you feel. :( I am terrible at math or anything that involves it. I hope everything goes alright. Good luck!
Dont worry! Things will be fine^^
Good Luck!
Good luck! I feel your pain, as I'm getting ready to possibly return to college, ugh. Am I crazy? LOL
I totally know how you feel, math sucked LOL - but just try to remember to breathe - if you dont breathe, you will not be able to concentrate at all.
We are all rooting for you (((BIG HUGS)))
I feel your pain. I took Algebra online last semester and it was an epic fail...literally. I am terrible at this type of math and taking it online was a major mistake. I ended up having to take an F in the course. I couldn't drop it because I would have had to pay my financial aid money back. The ultimate deciding factor was the proctored exams...I knew there was no way I would pass them. I hate math. I break out in hives at the mention of the word! =O(
Good luck with your test! Online classes are hard, period. I can't imagine taking ALGEBRA online--I have a hard enough time with math when there's a teacher in the room!
aw, I know exactly what you mean. I'm in my third year of university, have a midterm tomorrow actually, and I always get frustrated with some subjects. Like bio. I was a bio major and i felt like dispite how much i studied I just wasn't a natural :(
Good Luck!! I'm sure you'll do fine!
good luck on your test! I am sure t willl be fine!
And if you ever need any online math help, I have a masters (in math), so don't hesitate to ask!
Well hope it goes well. I know it's not the same since I'm still a senior but today I had a maths exam and all the week, while trying to study, I've felt stupid because I didn't understand a thing. The test hasn't gone very well but luckily I have good marks in the others exams.
Hope it goes well, completely with you on the math hate. do something super fun after the test :)
Test taking can be so stressful. Sometimes the anticipation is worse than the actual test. Best of luck! You can do it!
Yikes! I know how you feel! Math is not a strong subject for me either! But you have to think positive and keep telling yourself that you will do fine!
Good Luck on your test!
Just breathe! :) It'll be fine!
Tests are never fun. Relax, it will all be over with soon. Sending good vibes your way - good luck :)
Deep breathing helped me alot during Nursing school when it came to test anxiety. Exams are not fun at all but all you can do is do your best. Have faith in yourself and go in there positive.
I know exactly what you are going through. Went through it all through nursing school but I did pass and now a nurse. You can get through this. YOU CAN DO IT! Like I said, have confidence in yourself. Do your best. Kick some Algebra butt!
Most importantly, take those slow deep breaths when you start feeling nervous and anxious! Good luck!
Good luck! I'm taking Algebra II right now and math is definately not my favorite subject.
I completely agree with you about fractions. They make my head pound.
Criminal Justice...Psychology...Algebra...I really don't see a connection here.
Don't worry about it, Cindy. I'm sure you'll do great. :]
I think we all appreciate a little of the personal! Good luck with the exam; that tossing and turning and anxiety is no fun!
*hugs* Hope you do okay, I am not a fan of Algebra even if I am in a class room..lol
*hugs* Hope you do okay, I am not a fan of Algebra even if I am in a class room..lol
Ughhh, I feel your pain with the whole math thing. Good luck!
I hope everything went ok on your test! If you need some help send an email or tweet my way. Math is my thing, I'm helping a friend on accounting and finance this semester and helped with stats and algebra in the past. Good luck with your class!
Wonder how I did. Some parts I got through quick, others I sat there and looked at the paper for a while. LOL. I did answer every question though, at least I tried.
Aww that sucks, but good luck. Just think positive!!
I feel your pain. I took Algebra online last semester and it was an epic fail...literally.
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