Straight from her website:
Penitence will be out April 29th. To celebrate, I'm giving away cool goodies this week, and every week in April. EVERY WEEK there will be a HEAVENLY giveaway. Those who re-post the contest ( include link )get entered twice, as usual, to increase chances of winning. I'm also adding surprise twitter giveaways for twitter followers. Whoever reposts my surprise tweet giveaway, gets a mini poster, book marks and cool Heavenly / Penitence pencils.
Here's what's in this week's giveaway: a copy of Heavenly, a mini poster with the series' cover art, an awesome fan-art tee ( design by Ka-Yam Chui *thank you* - see design below ) Heavenly notebook and Zoe's necklace.

This is one of those contests that shouldn't be missed!!! Head on over to Jennifer's BLOG HERE to enter to win!
Thanks for the link:)
I love Jennifer Laurens also, can't wait for Penitence, Heavenly was amazing.
Great idea to use the poll, probably so much easier on your part :
home based data entry
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