Saturday, April 17

In My Mailbox (33) 4/17/10

In My Mailbox is inspired by Kristi@The Story Siren

This Week I Got Some Neat Ones!

I Got:
-The Boyfriend Game by Stephie Davis (already read it, so darn cute)
-Voices Of Dragons by Carrie Vaughn
-Mistwood by Leah Cypess
-At First Sight by Catherine Hapka (big fan of the Simon Romantic Comedies)
-Silver Borne by Patricia Briggs
-The Truth About Delilah Blue by Trish Cohen (ARC TOURS)

Pretty Snazzy week!

What Did You Get?


Kathy Martin said...

I liked Voices of Dragons and really, really liked Silver Borne. I have an ARC of Mistwood that is slowly edging its way to the top of my TBR. I will be eager to hear what you think about it. Enjoy your books. Happy reading!

Lena1xoxo said...

OOOOH! I want to read Mistwood so bad.


Robby said...

I really love the cover for The Truth About Delilah Blue! Must look into it!

The Library Lurker said...

I want to read most of these! Especially Mistwood! I hope that you enjoy all of your books!

Just Your Typical Book Blog said...

I really like the cover of Boyfriend Games. Enjoy :)

Manda said...

I got Silver Borne this week too! So looking foward to reading it. Voices of Dragons and Mistwood look great. Happy reading!

Emidy @ Une Parole said...

Nice selection! I haven't read any of them, but they look cute. Hope you enjoy!

Morgan said...

You're totally right. The Boyfriend Game was super cute! I hope you enjoy all your books.

Anonymous said...

Wow, awesome books. I wouldn't know which one to read first. Enjoy! :]

ck.twilighter (Chasity) said...

Oh!! I want Voices of Dragons!!=) I wish I wish!!

Enjoy your reads!


prophecygirl said...

Voices of Dragons and Mistwood sound good to me. Love the covers! Happy reading :)

Rebecca said...

Awesome books you got this week. Hope you enjoy reading them all.

Monster of Books said...

oooh Mistwood looks so good, will be eager to hear your review of it. Happy Reading XD

Gaby G said...

I want to read Voices of Dragons!

Christina T said...

Wow, you got Mistwood! I just read a fantastic review of it and I can't wait to read it. Voices of Dragons also looks really good. I hope you enjoy your reading!

E.J. Stevens said...

Great books this week! I can't wait to read Mistwood. :)



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