I might have a problem! Before I started reading Young Adult books, I read a lot of paranormal/romance books. A lot of them were series books. For example, Lynsay Sands. Yes, I still adore her but I find myself drifting from the romance/paranormal books. Yet I still have a bunch of them I want to read. Or at least I tell myself that and I won't get rid of them just yet. Most of them are series books so if I get rid of one, I should get rid of the whole series. There are still those adult authors I still can't get enough of. For example, Rachel Gibson. If she publishes a book I will run out and buy it!
I read a book last night, and a few years ago, I would have probably loved it. But I just couldn't get into it very much. I got to about page 100 and I just wanted it to end already. I took a break and read the Demon Princess books by Michelle Rowen and I finished both of them in one sitting. This just proves my point, I am addicted to Young Adult Books. I am addicted to love triangles, fairies, angels, girls falling for their best friends boyfriends, girls falling for that bad boy, etc. Maybe because when I was a young adult, all the books focused on simple issues (think R.L. Stine or The Baby Sisters Club) so now that there is a more variety of Young Adult books, its easier to get so sucked into them and forget about everything else!
One example of the perfect YA author is Jennifer Echols. Going Too Far, Forget You, even her simon romantic comedies are amazing. They are so easy to get wrapped up in that you forget you need to go to work or do homework.
I guess the point I'm trying to make is where were all these wonderful YA books when I was a teenager? The point is, I know I should read all these books hanging out that aren't YA books but I feel myself glancing right over that romance book with the guy who has 6 pack abs to that book cover that has the girl/guy holding hands. What is my problem? Denying those 6 pack abs for hand holding? What is wrong with me????
Dear My Paranormal/Romance books hanging out on my bookshelf, I'm sorry I'm just not that into you right now. As much as I know I should read you, I need to go and have some secret romantic daydreams about Carlos Fuentes, James Morgan, Tamani, Daniel Kalbi, and a million other guys in these amazing books!
Hopefully your laughing by the end of this post, because right now I'm laughing at myself because I realize how silly I sound.
I will say it here and now.
If you agree with me leave a comment so all of us who are addicted to books (especially YA) can stick together and so I don't feel so darn guilty. HEHE
If you agree with me leave a comment so all of us who are addicted to books (especially YA) can stick together and so I don't feel so darn guilty. HEHE
I think it's an addiction well worth having! (Though I admit, the new Rachel Gibson book that just came out was pretty darn good.)
I love my Young Adult but I could never give up my Paranormal Romance.
P.S I LOVE Lynsay Sands series!
Oh, I'm the same way. It's a rare day that I read something other than a YA book.
I am also addicted to YA books! I am 25 and read a few adult books but mostly I read YA!
I'm a YA book junkie for sure! (and YES, Daniel Kalbi is awesome!)
I know exactly what you mean. There will be a book come in out of a series that I adore and I realize after reading about 50 pages that I haven't tuned out the world, I haven't drifted away on that cloud of nirvana. I usually just put it back cause I know that I'll get burned out on whatever genre I'm reading now and be looking for this exciting book and wondering how I put off reading it as long as I did.
You are not alone in you addiction. I’m 30 and just discovered in the last year or so how much the YA genre has improved since I was a teen. I love reading YA books.
I'm right there with you. I read adult books as a teenager, but now that I have reached adulthood and discovered YA books, that's pretty much all I want to read. They are addicting!
When I read, "I guess the point I'm trying to make is where were all these wonderful YA books when I was a teenager?" I knew exactly what you meant. I used to read the same books over and over again because there wasn't enough good stuff out there. Kids today don't know how good they have it!
I am having the same problem! I pick up one of the steamier adult books and I get the eh feeling and pick up a young adult book! LOL They h ave come a long way from Sweet Valley High and Christopher Pike.
Up until I started my blog in August of last year, the only YA book I had read since my preteen years was Twilight. Now I have read more YA in just that time span than I ever thought I would. New Moon, Unity, Random Magic, The Looking Glass Wars trilogy, Shadow Hills, The Dark Divine, Anastasis's Secret. So far, I'm really enjoying YA books. Most of them are well written and I loathe explicit sex scenes in books I read (although I'll overlook them if it's a great book...The Time Traveler's Wife comes to mind) so they fit in nicely with that aspect of me. I try to balance though with adult books because I have so many authors that I love, especially in horror, historical fiction and fantasy. So I totally understand your preoccupation with YA. But don't worry...you will get back to your Paranormal Romance eventually.
Hell to the yeah!
YA books are the match to my fire. Ooh baby, ouch! :)
I agree with everything mentioned on your post. YA books may be labeled young adult, but I've known random grandmothers purchasing YA books at our local Borders. Age restrictions (within reason, at least)
are so lame. :)
Love, Hannah
I have never thought about it, but you're absolutely right.I, too, liked PNR when I was at a younger age, but now to so much.Now I am very much into YA and I don't feel guilty at all and neither should you!I find it weird though that teens are more fond of PNR than older people.Well, it doesn't matter because it is what it is.Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy a good PNR book or two.But nothing like the way I enjoy a YA book.
Don't worry you are not alone. I am totally addicted to YA too and Tamani is one of my favorites so I am glad you mentioned him up there :)
Haha, great post indeed Cindy! I've been feeling the same way lately! I just can't get enough of those YA books! I actually just finished reading Eyes Like Stars, and have officially declared it my favorite read of this year. It was fantastic! Now I can't wait to read the next one....lol.
We are exactly alike... I have been having this same realization lately. I know there are some adult books that I will continue to read, but most of them just do not interest me any longer. What happened to us we are REGRESSING TO TEENAGERS.... LOL
I'm a fellow addict!
My name is Bella, and I'm addicted to YA books!!! *sigh of relief* I feel so much better now :D P.S. You CANNOT forget Patch!! I daydream about him too much ... I am, however, also addicted to anything Eric Northman and Bones! *grin*
Oh man, I totally feel you on everything you said in this post. I'm the same exact way. I'm reading more and more YA books and I just don't feel like reading regular romances.
I am, also, addicted to young adult books! I have so many books in my ginormous to be read pile, but I tend to drift toward the yound adult books lately. I do love paranormal romances and contemporary romances (Sarah, I got the new Rachel Gibson for Mother's Day) but I cannot stay away from the young adult books.
LOOOVE Jennifer Echols. But seriously, where were these books when I was a teen?
My name is Lena and I'm addicted to Young Adult Books! :D
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