Summary: Seventeen year old Veronica "Ronnie" Miller's life was turned upside-down when her parents divorced and her father moved from New York City to Wilmington, North Carolina. Three years later, she remains angry and alientated from her parents, especially her father...until her mother decides it would be in everyone's best interest if she spent the summer in Wilmington with him. Ronnie's father, a former concert pianist and teacher, is living a quiet life in the beach town, immersed in creating a work of art that will become the centerpiece of a local church.The tale that unfolds is an unforgettable story of love on many levels--first love, love between parents and children -- that demonstrates, as only a Nicholas Sparks novel can, the many ways that love can break our hearts...and heal them.
My Thoughts: First off, I'll start by saying I'm a huge Nicholas Sparks fan. The first book I ever read was A Walk To Remember during my teenage years. So everytime a new Sparks novel is released I know I will read it nomatter what its about. The Last Song was no exception. Ronnie and Jonah are shipped off to stay with their father for the summer. We start off meeting the main characters, Ronnie, her brother Jonah, her mother and father and the numerous "friends" she meets while visiting her father. While there, Ronnie meets Will and there starts a wild whirlwind romance. I don't want to give away the whole book but there were so many nice encounters between Ronnie and Will that most of the book I was smiling. But of course there is more to the story than that. There are lot of family problems that appear throughout the book. Each character grows so much by the end of the book. This is one of those books you will either love or hate.
I really loved reading The Last Song. I am glad I did not see the movie first because even from just seeing the previews I kept seeing Miley Cyrus in my mind for Ronnie. I'm not sure how I feel about Miley. I don't know if I can really see her as Ronnie. As for Will, well, the guy who plays him I could see him looking as cute as him.
Overall: Loved it. Can't wait to see the movie in August when it comes out on DVD.
Cover: I like it a lot. Love beach scenes.
What I'd Give It:

I to am a fan of Sparks. I enjoyed The Last Song as well and had a very hard time picturing Miley as Ronnie, but I think she did well in the movie.
I get super excited when a new book is released because he lives a few towns away from me and there is a book signing the day of the release in New Bern. It's now a tradition of mine to go to the book signing on the day of the release. Needless to say, I'm super excited for the next release.
I'm glad you enjoyed this book! I may have to push it towards the top of my TBR pile.
I have this book sitting on my shelf. I cannot wait to read it. And I can't wait for Safe Haven to come out!! Nicholas Sparks is on my auto-buy list :)
I watched the film and thought it was o.k. Usually the film can't be compared to the book. don't you think?
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