Summary: I met someone who changed everything. Matthias. My autistic sister's guardian angel. Honest. Inspiring. Funny. Hot. And immortal. That was the problem. What could I do? I did what any other girl would do-I fell in love with him. Zoë's sister darts in front of cars. Her brother's a pothead. Her parents are so overwhelmed; they don't see Zoë lost in her broken life. Zoë escapes the only way she knows how: partying. Matthias, a guardian sent from Heaven, watches over Zoë's autistic sister. After Zoë is convinced he's legit, angel and lost girl come together in a love that changes destiny. But Heaven on Earth can't last forever.
My Thoughts: I haven't read too many books that focused on the subject of guardian angels or just angels in general. I wasn't sure how I would feel about this book but I have liked everything else I've read by Laurens so figured I'd give it a shot. We meet Zoe who comes from a 2 parent household with a sister and a brother. Her sister is autistic while her brother has some personal issues. Zoe is just your average girl who has to help take care of everyone else's problems. It seems like now a days, this is a common situation in YA books. We are than introduced to Matthias, the angel sent to watch over Abria and help her get through each day. He seems to pop up whenever Abria gets herself into trouble. Only Abria and Zoe can see him. She is caught talking to him aka herself and people wonder if she's ok. Zoe starts to have real feelings for Matthias, and Matthias knows its pretty much forbidden but he starts to develop feelings too.
Heavenly, was a sweet emotional roller coaster. I wasn't sure how it was going to end and it threw me for a little bit of a loop. I really enjoyed it and will soon be starting Penitence.
Overall: I liked it a lot. I really liked Matthias and the way his dialogue was. You could tell he was a lot older.
Cover: I really like the clouds, and if you look closely you can see the face.
What I'd Give It:

I heard so many good things about this!!
Thanks for the review!
I've loved this series so far and am really looking forward to the third one.
I've got the first two and her two JM Warwick books and can't wait to read them and get the rest of her books!
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