Saturday, October 16

In My Mailbox (54) 10/16/2010


 Something Wicked by Michelle Rowen
Alpha by Rachel Vincent
Mini Shopaholic by Sophie Kinsella
Ruined by Simone Elkeles

What did you get this week?


Ragan said...

Yays for getting Something Wicked! It's still on my shopping list. =)

Jessica @ a GREAT read said...

Yay for Alpha! It was a GREAT read! You'll love it!! I did!

My mailbox will be up tomorrow morning if you want to stop by then.

brandileigh2003 said...

Happy Reading!! Here is my mailbox
Brandi from Blkosiner’s Book Blog

Kelly aka yllektra(I Work For Books) said...

Oh whee Alpha and Simon Elkeles!!!

I got Hush,Hush, Torment and The Summoning :)

ParaJunkee said...

Great Haul! I have yet to read Alpha - I really need to.

Katie said...

Awesome, you got Ruined! I hope you enjoy it :)
Happy Reading!

Anonymous said...

Ooh! Mini Shopaholic!! My copy should be arriving at the public library any day now...can't wait! :-)

Cindy said...

Ohh, I want to read Simone's new book so much. I hope you love it! I'm a new follower. :-)

CHRISTIE said...

Nice books this week! Enjoy :)

Nikki Brandyberry said...

Alpha sounds really good..its on my wish list! My IMM is here:

Holly said...

I've been slowly, slowly reading the Shopaholic series, it's one of my fave Chick-Lits! Also been thinking about picking up the Ruined series in one.

Belinda said...

Your books look amazing :) Happy reading!

Come see what in my mailbox

Miss Page-Turner said...

Mini Shopaholic looks fantastic:D
My almost empty mailbox:

Anonymous said...

I saw Mini Shopaholic at the bookstore the other day. I've read all the other Shopaholic books, so I want to read this one too.

Nina said...

The cover of Ruined by Simone Elkeles looks really good and so cute. :P Enjoy the books you got.

Gabrielle Carolina said...

What is Ruined? I know it’s an anthology of Elkeles books, but which ones?
Happy reading!
If you want to know what I got in my mailbox this week, check out my blog here-

Anonymous said...

I love Simone Elkeles! The Ruined series are the only books of hers I haven't read yet. I definitely want to.
Happy Reading! Megan @ Read It, See It

Jessica Lawlor said...

Hope you enjoy Mini Shopaholic! I loved that one!

Deb said...

Looks like you received some great reads this week. Enjoy!

Rachel said...

You have some great books there this week! I have some of them on my list of books to read :)

Come and visit me tomorrow for a new meme, On My Radar :)

Heather said...

Something Wicked looks like delicious fun!

Check out my In My Mailbox!


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