Summary: Felicity's no ordinary teen matchmaker...she's a cupid!Felicity Walker believes in true love. That's why she applies for a gig at the matchmaking company Cupid's Hollow. But when Felicity gets the job, she learns that she isn't just a matchmaker...she's a cupid! (There's more than one of them, you know.)
Armed with a hot pink, tricked-out PDA infused with the latest in cupid magic (love arrows shot through email), Felicity works to meet her quota of successful matches. But when she bends the rules of cupidity by matching her best friend Maya with three different boys at once, disaster strikes. Felicity needs to come up with a plan to set it all right, pronto, before she gets fired...and before Maya ends up with her heart split in three.
My Thoughts: I had been really looking forward to this series and I waited until all 3 books were released until I started so I didn't have to wait a long time to read each one! We start off being introduced to Felicity who is a teenager who needs a job. She is best friends with Maya and Andy. I just love all their names, so creative! She gets a job at a matchmaking company. No, its not one you've ever heard of! Its called Cupid's Hollow. She barely reads the manual and just starts hooking people up by a few random similarities. Things backfire for her, but the biggest backfire of all is when she matches up Maya with 3 different guys. Sure they all have a few things in common with Maya but are any of them right for her? And than there is Felicity's problem, she has the hots for a guy named Derek who barely notices she's alive. You know the one, the jock in high school you wish would notice you but somehow you are always overlooked to him. Stupid Cupid was a fun quick read. It was full of laughs and happy/fun moments. Don't we all wish we could have three boyfriends? Maybe in theory but after a while it would get too complicated and Maya had just that problem. Trying to go to the movie with 2 guys is quite the task. I really loved Stupid Cupid and can't read to read the next book in the series. If you want to know what happens with Maya, Andy, and Felicity, read the book now!
Overall: Loved this one! It was just the right sweet blend of happiness and hilarious moments. Rhonda is a very talented funny author!
Cover: Love it! Didn't you notice they all have awesome covers?
What I'd Give It:

Sounds good! One of my favorite books back when I was actually in the YA crew was Have a Heart, Cupid Delaney! and it too featured young, teenage, cupids-in-training. It was such a cute book, and I'm still looking for a copy of the sequel.
Good review. :) I've had this on my list for a while because it looks like a quick, cute read.
I'll have to put the series up in my pile. Thanks for the review! Can't wait to see what you think of the next book in the series!
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