Saturday, April 9

Win A True Princess CLOSED

Summary: Twelve-year-old Lilia is not a very good servant. In fact, she's terrible! She daydreams, she breaks dishes, and her cooking is awful. Still, she hardly deserves to be sold off to the mean-spirited miller and his family. Refusing to accept that dreadful fate, she decides to flee. With her best friend, Kai, and his sister, Karina, beside her, Lilia heads north to find the family she's never known. But danger awaits. . . .
As their quest leads the threesome through the mysterious and sinister Bitra Forest, they suddenly realize they are lost in the elves' domain. To Lilia's horror, Kai falls under an enchantment cast by the Elf King's beautiful daughter. The only way for Lilia to break the spell and save Kai is to find a jewel of ancient power that lies somewhere in the North Kingdoms. Yet the jewel will not be easy to find. The castle where it is hidden has been overrun with princess hopefuls trying to pass a magical test that will determine the prince's new bride. Lilia has only a few days to search every inch of the castle and find the jewel—or Kai will be lost to her forever.

Donated By Diane Zahler
Signed Hardcover
Open To United States Only


~The Book Pixie said...

This sounds like a great MG book. Count me in!


Jessi E. said...

Thanks for the giveaway!

jlelliott08 AT gmail DOT com

Anonymous said...



Editor Cassandra said...

Please enter me!

Irrelevantheart AT gmail DOT com

Thanks, Cindy!

Lexie@BookBug said...

Thanks for the giveaway!
GFC follower: Lexie@BookBug
Email: lexie.bookbug at gmail dot com

Teril said...

Ohh sounds like a classic style tale.

terilhack at gmail dot com

Kathryn's Book Nook said...

I would love to enter this giveaway.

Sniffly Kitty said...

Would love to win this!

Katie said...

I would love to win this!!!! Thanks for the great giveaways!


Unknown said...

Thanks so much!


Michelle Stockard Miller said...

Beautiful book! Thanks!


Martha Lawson said...

This one sounds great.

follow on gfc

mlawson17 at hotmail dot com

Small Review said...

A True Princess sounds so good! I would like to be entered please. Thank you!

imagesandwords at optonline dot net

Gayle said...

This sounds like one my girls (and I) would love!

Keturah said...

I would love to enter this giveaway.


Lisa Richards/alterlisa said...

I'm a follower on GFC-Lisa Richards
Please enter me in this giveaway!

alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com

Ricki said...

Sounds like a great middle grade read.

Onge said...

Sounds like a good one. Thanks for the giveaway!

Jennie said...

I've been wanting to read this one. Thanks for holding this giveway! Count me in!


Allison said...

Please and thank you!

killercliffhanger at hotmail dot com

Anonymous said...

Please enter me in contest. Another good book.

Alicia said...

Sounds cute.


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