Tuesday, May 17

Desires Of The Dead by Kimberly Derting

Desires of The Dead (Body Finder #2)  by Kimberly Derting 
Release Date: February 15, 2011
Publisher: HarperCollins
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 368

Summary: The missing dead call to Violet. They want to be found.

When Violet Ambrose's morbid ability to sense the echoes of those who've been murdered leads her to the body of a young boy, she draws the attention of the FBI. She is reluctantly pulled into an investigation that will endanger more than just her secret...but her relationship and possibly her life as well. 

My Thoughts: Once again we are back with Violet and her hectic abilities. Remember, from The Body Finder we found out she can hear echoes from dead people, the ones who died; murdered. It isn't just people she can hear, she can also hear animals. She can also sense the people who committed the crime since the imprint attaches to them. Creepy? Yes! Useful? Sometimes!  Violet is trying to adjust to life just being herself and spending time with Jay. She was always so used to having him as her best friend, now they are adjusting to being boyfriend and girlfriend!  There is a new guy and girl in town, siblings. Jay befriends them and we get to know their family history and a little about them.

Of course Violet can't get away from the imprints, she hears one and calls the police. Come to find out, someone was in the place she heard it. And the FBI tracked down Violet from her phone call. Now the FBI wants to work with her. There is also a boy about her age working for the FBI.

We also get to read a few pages here and there from the other narrator just like we did in The Body Finder. It was very interesting to hear their opinion. 

What can I say? I really loved Desires Of The Dead. I read it in one sitting late at night. It's a bit creepy but in a good way. I still love Jay but I found myself drawn to the new boy and his special "talent." I hope to learn more about him in future books. 

Someone is also stalking Violet. They leave her a dead cat, a note, and they overall stalk her. There is also the mystery of where the new kids mother went. That is what the book mainly focuses on. 

I won't say much more or else there won't be any reason for you to read the book! 

Kimberly Derting knows how to suck you in, satisfy you while reading, and leave you wanting more!  

Overall: I loved Desires Of The Dead. I loved it just as much as The Body Finder and I really loved The Body Finder! I did like the plot a little better in The Body Finder but I also liked this one as well!   

Cover: I love the pink cover more than I did the blue! Very artistic!

What I'd Give It:


Gaby G said...

I can't believe I still haven't read this one... I loved the first one and every review says it's excellent.

newshadeofgreen said...

I've heard such good things about this series but I haven't picked it up yet. Thanks for the reminder to get on it! ~ Jen @ A Book and a Latte

P.S. Your blog makes me CRAVE cupcakes :)

Simply_Megan said...

I just got this out from my library today! Can't wait to read it :)


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