Friday, June 17

Babe In Boyland by Jody Gehrman

Babe In Boyland by Jody Gehrman
Release Date: February 17, 2011
Publisher: Dial
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 304

Summary: Natalie, a seventeen-year-old former drama club member who now writes a relationship column for her school newspaper, decides to go undercover as a student at an all-boys boarding school so that she can figure out what guys are really like. 

My Thoughts: We are introduced to Natalie who loves the drama club and loves her role on the school newspaper. She gives advice about guys and love. She's never really had a boyfriend or been in love and so she starts to feel fake. Along with her two best friends she decides she will enroll in the all boys school and get to know how boys really think. She than starts to have feelings for her roommate. Yes, this book is very much like She's The Man (the movie). I'm sure I'm not the first person to say that and I won't be the last.  

Babe In Boyland is a cute fun novel. There isn't a lot of depth or substance to it but I think that is the point. It's a feel good, guilty pleasure read. There are some laugh out moments and some true lessons in it if you look beyond the surface but its still a "fun" book to read.  

I enjoyed all the characters throughout the book and I liked the way they all came together. Honestly, there isn't much more to say about this one. Its just a cutesy book and I loved it. It was somewhat predictable but I still couldn't stop reading. I just had to know what was going to happen. 

The only part of the book that bugged me a little was how Natalie put a sock down her pants. Why bother right? I could have done without that detail. HAHA! 

Overall: I really loved it. But than again, I also loved the movie She's The Man. This is my idea of a fun night in, cuddling up with a good book to make you smile! 

Cover: The cover is cute. Its kind of plain but still cute.

What I'd Give It:


Chapter Chicks said...

I really liked this book too. Jody Gehrman rocks. I thought it was super funny. I was actually laughing out loud at points. Glad you enjoyed it!

Grace Fonseca said...

Really like your blog. I put you on my Blogroll. New follower. Nice review.

cassie'scliches[] said...

i really loved babe in boyland!!

Fiktshun said...

Sounds fun. I could use a guilty pleasure read! I saw this on net galley awhile ago but after reading your review I think I'll check this one out!

Kristin (Book Sniffers Anonymous) said...

I have been wanting to read this book but it isn't available in my library yet :( I am happy to see that you really liked it though. I cannot wait to read it.

Ashley said...

I loved this book SO much! So funny! I laughed myself silly while reading this book. Which meant I got a lot of interesting looks, because I read more of this book in public. :P So much fun!

Ashley said...

Oh but I do have to add- while awkward, I totally loved the sock thing. Laughed so hard at that part I darn near fell over.

Anonymous said...

Great review! and your blog is soo cutee ^_^ will read this book soon it's sounds interesting! I only read one of Jody Gehrman's books so far which is Audrey's Guide to Witchraft and it's awesome!

Leigh | Little Book Star


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