Friday, October 21

Contest Craze All Day Event October 22nd, 2011

Contest Craze Time!!!!

October 22nd, 2011  9 AM Central Time 

You've seen a glimpse of Contest Craze this month so far with random Mini Challenges and Contests! 

Don't forget to join me Saturday October 22nd, for a full day of Contests!!!!! A lot of contests planned all day long!!! It's that day where you sit at your computer, reading a book and enjoying some snacks, and refreshing the page every 20 seconds. Is anyone guilty of this who participated last time?  LOL

It's going to be fun!!!! I hope you'll come participate to win some awesome prizes!!!!


Cialina at said...

Awesome! I'm looking forward to it. :) I'm pretty sure I'm free that day.

Coranne said...

Woohoo- can't wait!

Maji Bookshelf said...

Awesomee! This sounds soo exciting! Cant wait to participateee! :D


roro said...

Woohoo- can't wait!

LoriStrongin said...

Oooh! I wasn't around last year, but now I can hardly wait!



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