Tuesday, January 3

The Boyfriend Thief by Shana Norris

The Boyfriend Thief by Shana Norris
Release Date: June 29, 2011
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 317 KB

Summary: Avery James has her life planned out: this summer she'll work with a humanitarian program in Costa Rica, next year she'll graduate at the top of her class, and after that, college and medical school. Perfect, planned, total order.

The only problem: getting the rest of the money she needs for the trip before the deadline. Hannah Cohen, her biggest competition for the valedictorian title, makes an unexpected offer: If Avery can win over Zac Greeley and make him break up with Hannah before the end of the school year, a check for five hundred dollars is all hers. Faced with the prospect of spending yet another summer working as a giant hot dog, it's an offer Avery can't refuse.

Zac is nothing like Avery expected. Within his chaotic world of midnight slushie runs and spontaneous dance parties, her total order is quickly falling apart while Hannah seems poised to get everything she wants. But just how much is Avery willing to give up for the perfect, planned life?

My Thoughts: I had seen this one popping up on goodreads multiple times as people marked it as To-Read. I wasn't sure about it but saw it browsing Barnes and Noble one night so figured what the heck, I'll buy it for my nook.

We are introduced to Avery, who is very motivated. She gets straight A's, wants to go on a trip to Costa Rica. Problem, she needs more money. She has some saved but not nearly enough. So when her ex best friend Hannah from years ago, offers her 500 dollars to steal Hannah's boyfriend, she jumps right on it. That's 500 more dollars toward her trip fund. She would be foolish to say no. Its not like her job selling hot dogs and dressing up as one is paying the bills well enough.

She starts to hang out with Zac (Hannah's boyfriend) because she gets paired with him on a project. Simple enough to steal him, right? I mean she already has to be around him. Things don't go as planned as Avery starts to actually think he's a nice guy and why would Hannah even want rid of him? Of course, things aren't always what they seem and its not like Zac and Avery are a match made in heaven either. There is a lot of drama in this book between lots of different people. There are also laughs, jokes, cute moments, etc.

That is basically the story, I'm not going to say anything else. My Boyfriend Thief was really creative, and it was a sweet contemporary young adult novel. If your looking for something light and cute than read this now! Yes, there are a few lessons to be learned here, but mostly it is for fun and enjoyment. Moments to make you go awwwww.

Overall: Really liked it a lot. Don’t read too many e-books so this was a nice change.

Cover: I love the legs and shoes! Love how she is barely stepping on his toes. Very romantic!

What I'd Give It:


Vivien said...

I really want to read an awww book. This sounds like a good one. I'm definitely going to check this one out.

Kapri (Book Fanatics) said...

Awe, this book does look cute. And very creative; it looks different from any other contemporaries.

Anonymous said...

I have seen this one around quite a bit. I never really looked at it though. It sounds really good! I love the cover too!

Alexa said...

I have seen this one a lot on Goodreads because it keeps getting recommended to me. Apparently I look like I love cute contemp romances lol.

This one does look cute and whenever I'm in the mood for a lighter contemp I will have to read this one.

Thanks for the great review.

Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said...

I had not heard of it but going to check it out,

Sophia said...

I've heard a lot about this book, too! I'm not a big fan of books that are just ebooks, but I think I'll have to give it a try! It sounds very cute and adorable. :)

Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit said...

This sounds like the perfect sweet book! Going on my list! Thanks!

ansindt said...

I have also seen this on Goodreads as well. I might have to add it to my to-read list.

Maji Bookshelf said...

I actually read this a couple of months ago and i did not enjoy it at all! maybe because i was reading wayyyy too many contemps. But glad you enjoyed it!

- juhina

Unknown said...

This seems like another cute book.

Michelle @ Book Briefs said...

this does look like a cute read. If it has funny moments, that is even better. I haven't heard of this one before, so thanks for the heads up

Sandra Stiles said...

This one looks very interesting. Great Premise


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