Friday, January 6

Viola In Reel Life (Viola #1) by Adriana Trigiani

Viola In Reel Life (Viola #1) by Adriana Trigiani
Release Date: September 1, 2009
Publisher: HarperTeen
Age Group:Young Adult
Pages: 288

Summary: I'm marooned.
Left to rot in boarding school . . .
Viola doesn't want to go to boarding school, but somehow she ends up at an all-girls school in South Bend, Indiana, far, far away from her home in Brooklyn, New York. Now Viola is stuck for a whole year in the sherbet-colored sweater capital of the world.
There's no way Viola's going to survive the year—especially since she has to replace her best friend Andrew with three new roommates who, disturbingly, actually seem to like it there. She resorts to viewing the world (and hiding) behind the lens of her video camera.
Boarding school, though, and her roommates and even the Midwest are nothing like she thought they would be, and soon Viola realizes she may be in for the most incredible year of her life.
But first she has to put the camera down and let the world in.

My Thoughts: When I started this one, I wanted to love it. I did enjoy it but didn't love it as much as I wanted too. We are introduced to Viola who is 14 years old. She has just been shipped to a boarding school while her parents go out of the country. 

She meets her three roommates who I really enjoyed. Each girl had their own personality and I liked each one and how different they were yet they became great friends. 

Viola is a whiz with her camera so she gets roped into help with Founders Day and actually enjoys it. She also starts to like boarding school which she thought she was going to hate.

We also meet Viola's boy best friend. His name is Andrew and they have been best friends since they were kids. I just didn't feel like there was enough Andrew in the story. I understand why though, he was thousands of miles away but I wanted more instant message sessions. We are also introduced to Viola's new boyfriend which I totally hated! Just something about him from the beginning I didn't like, or maybe the fact that I wanted her to wake up and realized her and Andrew were met to be together. haha.

I enjoyed Viola In Reel Life but I just felt like it was missing something. Yes, it was the contemporary I usually read but I think it was a bit more for younger audiences, though I love reading YA sometimes a book just feels too young for me. Its perfect for a teen though because its snarky but there is nothing that isn't appropriate for them if that makes sense. 

Will I read the next book in the series? Yes. I still want to know what happens to Viola when she goes back home! 

Overall: Liked it but didn't love it. I loved how each of her roommates helped her grow as a person and made her realize she could be happy with the situtation she's in and to accept things the way they are. 

Cover: The cover is ok, I' not a big fan of it. I do like the camera though. 

What I'd Give It:


Unknown said...

For some reason I am just not a big fan about books set inside schools. Unless it is mythical schools like Harry Potter. I agree with you about the camera though :]

Maddz said...

Ugh, I am so glad I'm not the only one who didn't like this book!! I remember finishing it and going on Amazon to read bad reviews for it...but there WERE none!!

I just found it bland and irritating (Viola is a brat) and the ghost lady? RANDOM.

end rant!


Sophia said...

This book sounds really cute, but I don't think I'll like it very much. I'm pretty sick of books set in boarding schools. Oh--and I don't think I'll like Viola's boyfriend, haha. Thanks for the review!

Maji Bookshelf said...

sometimes its like that with contempt.. the book is great and all, but SOMETHING is missing that's keeping me from enjoying and loving it 100%. I have the first two books on my iPad and I've been meaning to read them (and the other 1000 books on my TBR list), but i won't cross this one out yet =)

great review!

- juhina

Anonymous said...

I love when books are set in a place that isn't so well known. I love being able to say "I've been there"...which is true for South Bend, Indiana. I don't think I would like the whole boarding school thing though. It doesn't sound terrible, but I won't be picking it up any time soon.

LoriStrongin said...

Can't say I'm hooked by this one. I'm a product of the boarding/private school system too, and normally I love reading books set in that setting. But I also crave something more to the plot besides "outsider adjusts to culture shock and finds a boy/girlfriend and all is well." To me, that's more of a character study than a novel.


Michelle @ Book Briefs said...

huh, I have not heard about this book. You have been on a huge contemporary kick. I need to make a contemp TBR list from your blog alone lol

ansindt said...

I am sorry that you did not like this one. I have it on my shelf..I just have not gotten around to reading it yet=)

Vivien said...

This is a new one for me. I've been having a harder time identifying with the protagonists lately too. Definitely an age gap.

Sandra Stiles said...

I had not heard of this one yet. I'm glad I read your review and the remarks of others. It made me re-think this one. I know that most books can find an audience with someone. I value the thoughts of you and your readers when it comes to making a decision about a book I'm iffy on.


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