Monday, October 15

Send Me A Sign by Tiffany Schmidt

Send Me A Sign by Tiffany Schmidt
Release Date: October 2, 2012
Publisher: Walker Childrens
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 384

Summary: Mia is always looking for signs. A sign that she should get serious with her soccer-captain boyfriend. A sign that she’ll get the grades to make it into an Ivy-league school. One sign she didn’t expect to look for was: “Will I survive cancer?” It’s a question her friends would never understand, prompting Mia to keep her illness a secret. The only one who knows is her lifelong best friend, Gyver, who is poised to be so much more. Mia is determined to survive, but when you have so much going your way, there is so much more to lose. From debut author Tiffany Schmidt comes a heart-wrenching and ultimately uplifting story of one girl’s search for signs of life in the face of death.

My Thoughts: Wow, what a novel! This one was awesome! Even though Mia was sick, it was still a thought provoking novel.

I usually hate cancer novels, who doesn’t? We hate cancer, it's bad, and hard to read about.

We are introduced to Mia who believes in horoscopes, lyrics in songs, and mostly everything else that can be told through fortunes or signs.

Mia is enjoying her summer days with her best friends, when she gets some really bad news. Mia has cancer.  Mia doesn’t tell anyone except her parents (of course they know), her doctors, and her best friend and boy next door Gyver.

Mia’s life had started to become pretty good before this. She had the attention of the school popular boy Ryan, best friends, school, the idea of college, cheer-leading, just about everything a girl could want.

She decides not to tell her friends and spends most of the summer in the hospital while she tells her friends she is elsewhere.

Mia goes through the treatments with Gyver by her side. Man, where can I get me one of these Gyvers? Gyver was such a sweet boy. For some reason, I kept picturing him in my head as the blond headed kid from Jane By Design Billy. No idea why. That is how I seen him in my head.

Mia gets out of the hospital and tries to go back to her old life. She’s dating Ryan and hanging out with her best friends, until they start to get suspicious that something is happening but Mia wants to keep it a secret so she loses some of those friendships along the way for a bit.

Send Me A Sign is a great debut. Yes, it's sad but it’s also really addicting. I stayed up until 4 in the morning to finish this one. Once I started reading, I had to know what was going to happen.

There were times I wanted to slap Mia because I wanted her to be more open and accept that she needed to be, but she was scared and she had a hard time coping.

Send Me A Sign is a novel everyone should read. Even if you end up wiping tears away from your eyes a few times, it's one you can connect with on so many levels and plus there is a cute sweet boy in it!

Overall: Loved this one. One of the best debuts I’ve read this year. I felt so bad for Mia but I also wanted her to overcome this and get stronger! And I loved how she interacted with Gyver. Such a sweet yet heartbreaking novel.

Great characters, great plot, what more to ask for?

Cover: Love it! It’s so pretty yet makes me want to cry!

What I'd Give It:


The Insouciant Sophisticate said...

I kind of want a Gyver as well-he's so supportive and he makes the best mix CDs!

Cathy De Los Santos said...

This book was really great, I think everyone should read it too. Great review.


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