Wednesday, November 6

Frigid by J. Lynn

Frigid by J. Lynn
Release Date: November 5, 2013
Publisher: Spencer Hill Press
Age Group: New Adult
Pages: 240

Summary:For twenty-one-year-old Sydney, being in love with Kyler isn't anything new. They'd been best friends ever since he pushed her down on the playground and she made him eat a mud pie. Somewhere over the years, she fell for him and fell hard. The big problem with that? Kyler puts the 'man' in man-whore. He's never stayed with a girl longer than a few nights, and with it being their last year in college, Syd doesn't want to risk their friendship by declaring her love.

Kyler has always put Syd on a pedestal that was too high for him to reach. To him, she's perfect and she's everything. But the feelings he has for her, he's always hidden away or focused on any other female. After all, Kyler will always be the poor boy from the wrong side of tracks, and Syd will always be the one girl he can never have.

But when they're stranded together at a posh ski resort due to a massive Nor'easter, there's nothing stopping their red-hot feelings for each other from coming to the surface. Can their friendship survive the attraction? Better yet, can they survive at all? Because as the snow falls, someone is stalking them, and this ski trip may be a life-changer in more ways than one.

My Thoughts: I’m a big fan of J Lynn! When I first read the description of this one, I knew I must have it! And devour it like a yummy cookie! And then the cover, whoa!

We are introduced to Kyler and Syd who have been best friends forever! They grew up together, did everything together. Kyler always looked out for Syd and she has always been the calm one. Kyler is a bit of a player, has a different girl in his bed every other night. Syd is used to this, even though it doesn't make it any easier. Because Syd is in love with Kyler but he has no clue. And of course Kyler has feelings for Syd as well but keeps them hidden. He thinks she deserves better than him and has no clue how she feels about him!

Talk about some tension! Kyler and Syd go away to a ski resort together. Their friends are meeting them there. But things don’t go as planned, a big snowstorm hits and their friends don’t make it up. The first night there, Syd goes out of her comfort zone and flirts with a guy. And Kyler gets in the way and ends up putting her to bed. No, not in that sense! I know what you're thinking. She’s so hungover that he stays by her bed and helps her get undressed. Takes care of her.

Syd and Kyler spend the next few days together, and things start happening. Crazy horrific things. Someone tries shooting at the window. Things keep going wrong. And all that crazy tension between Syd and Kyler going on kept me on high alert. They are really great together. Not only are they best friends, they both have feelings for each other. And the sexual chemistry, yes baby! This novel does have some pretty intense sexual scenes.

I loved this one! I loved both Syd and Kyler. They were both so unique and such driven characters. They are both compassionate and they both were adorable! I also loved the plot of this one. I loved how they were both into each other and were afraid to say something.  But I also loved how they could make each other laugh one minute, and the next make each other melt! The chemistry! Whoa!

Things aren't always peachy though and they have a lot to work through in Frigid, especially towards the end. But I’m happy with the way things turned out. And I enjoyed reading this every single minute!

Loved this one! Can’t wait to read more from this author!

Overall: Loved the characters. Loved the plot. I even loved the setting! Winter, snow, everything clicked for me! Even though I read this in the summer, it clicked with me. I felt like I was right there with them in the cold weather.

Kyler and Syd were such awesome characters and I adored this novel!

Cover: HOT! SeXy! Love it! Love the people on the front. and I love how it looks wintery as well even if his shirt is open! Very cute and neat cover!!

What I'd Give It:

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