Monday, May 26

Pointe by Brandy Colbert

Pointe by Brandy Colbert
Release Date: April 10, 2014
Publisher: Putnam Juvenile
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages:  333

Summary: Theo is better now.

She's eating again, dating guys who are almost appropriate, and well on her way to becoming an elite ballet dancer. But when her oldest friend, Donovan, returns home after spending four long years with his kidnapper, Theo starts reliving memories about his abduction—and his abductor.

Donovan isn't talking about what happened, and even though Theo knows she didn't do anything wrong, telling the truth would put everything she's been living for at risk. But keeping quiet might be worse.

My Thoughts:  When I started this one, I wasn't sure what to think. I wasn't sure I was going to like it or not.

We are introduced to Theo who has a few best friends. She hangs out with them when she’s not doing ballet. But, her closest dearest friend Donovan went missing four years ago. She still thinks about him constantly. She wants to know what really happened.

Well, Donovan reappears. They found him. Theo has to testify in court. Oh my gosh. This one was quite the roller coaster. Theo has her problems and now he is back and there are so many questions she is pondering. She also really loves ballet but there is a tempting boy around the studio and school and she knows because of her past problems, she should probably stay away from the new boy in her life, and besides he has a girlfriend.

I didn’t like seeing the romance between her and this said boy. I just didn’t like it because he had a girlfriend and it just bugged me a little bit.

I never really felt that connected to Theo. I didn’t always agree with her choices but I did like her friends she hung out with. I also liked learning more about Donovan’s disappearance and I’m glad Theo finally stood up in the end.

Overall: I did enjoy this one but I wasn't too connected with Theo. I also was left with more questions at the end. Things I wanted to ask Donovan. I felt like I had more questions at the end.

This was an emotional read. It seems like every character was real and had their own demons to face or battles to win. I did like this one quite a bit.

Cover:  Like it. Its dark and haunting!

What I’d Give It:

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