Wednesday, August 20

Summer On The Short Bus by Bethany Crandell

Summer On The Short Bus by Bethany Crandell
Release Date:  April 1, 2014
Publisher:  Running Press Kids
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 256

Summary: Cricket Montgomery has been thrown under the short bus. Shipped off to a summer camp by her father, Cricket is forced to play babysitter to a bunch of whiny kids—or so she thinks. When she realizes this camp is actually for teens with special needs, Cricket doubts she has what it takes to endure twenty-four hours, let alone two weeks.
Thanks to her dangerously cute co-counselor, Quinn, there may be a slim chance for survival. However, between the campers’ unpredictability and disregard for personal space, Cricket’s limits get pushed. She will have to decide if suffering through her own handicapped hell is worth a summer romance—and losing her sanity.

My Thoughts: I was so excited for this one! And while I did enjoy it I didn’t love it like I wanted.

We are introduced to Cricket who has had things given to her. Her mom passed away while she was young but its always been her and her father. They get along ok. If she gets into trouble, he usually gives in and forgives her. She’s a bit spoiled.

So getting shipped off to be a camp counselor is not her idea of fun or the way to spend a summer!

And she gets there, and is surprised at what she finds. She finds a cute boy! But, she also finds a bunch of kids that are special needs. She wasn't expecting that at all!

I loved getting to know each of the kids/teens. They all had their difficulties but they overcame them so well and they accepted them. They each had their own story to tell.

I really liked Quinn but some of the time I didn’t really like Cricket’s attitude so it was hard for me to like her.

Overall: I thought the plot of this was pretty neat and I loved seeing Cricket overcome her prejudices. I liked learning all about the kids!  And how Quinn, swoonworthy!

Summer On The Short Bus is probably more of a 3.5 rating for me. It was a fast read, and I did enjoy it but I didn’t love Cricket like I wanted too.

Cover:  Like it! Its cute! I love how it has swimsuits and then the wheelchair is just thrown in!

What I’d Give It:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like how this author has spend attention to a group of people, people with special needs, that are not often featured in YA. For that reason alone I want to check this out :). Cute cover too ^-^!


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