Monday, October 6

Not In The Script (An If Only Novel #3) Amy Finnegan

Not In The Script (An If Only Novel #3) Amy Finnegan
Release Date:  October 7, 2014
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 392

Summary:  Millions of people witnessed Emma Taylor’s first kiss—a single kiss that needed twelve takes and four camera angles to get right. After spending nearly all of her teen years performing on cue, Emma wonders how much of her own life is even real anymore. But her new costar, Jake Elliott, couldn’t care less about how many scenes he has to fake his way through; he needs the money. Toss in a reckless heartthrob, desperate for a comeback, and a resident diva who may or may not be as evil as she seems, and the production of Coyote Hills heats up in unexpected—and romantic—ways. Along with offering front row seats to the real life drama that often unfolds within the entertainment industry, NOT IN THE SCRIPT is a story about two not-so-typical teens who are searching for themselves, and just happen to find each other.

My Thoughts:  I’m not sure why but I always have a hard time with any book focusing on tv. Reality tv. Regular old tv. I just have a hard time with them, even though I did like this one more than Famous In Love, another one I recently read.

We are introduced to Emma who just got herself a starring role in a new tv show. She’s excited of course. And its even more exciting when she finds out who her costars are. The most important being a boy she used to have a crush on. Maybe she still does a little bit. Until she actually meets him. She’s told herself NO more dating costars.

Theres also another boy named Jake who her best friend has always liked. The catch; they never knew his name before because he was a model.

Emma is quite torn when she starts hanging out with Jake and isn’t sure what to tell her best friend. She doesn’t want to make her jealous at all!! And, I didn’t really like her best friend. I could feel the envy a mile away.

I liked the characters in this one, and the ones I didn’t, well I loved to hate them!  

I did like the plot. I liked how not very much actually focused on the tv aspect which helped me enjoy the novel more. Yes, we see how the show is progressing but we see the characters and their lives more.

I enjoyed this one, but I didn’t love it. I liked the characters, and the plot but I never really felt very much between Jake and Emma. They had chemistry but I still wasn't feeling it. There were lots of laugh out moments and I loved those! A few had me really smiling!

Not In The Script was a very cute and enjoyable book!

Overall:  I liked this one! I think it deserves more of a 3.5 rating! Enjoyable characters, funny moments!

Cover: I like it! Love how they look “real.” Cute!

What I’d Give It:

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