Sunday, March 15

Red At Night by Katie McGarry

Red At Night by Katie McGarry
Release Date: April 1, 2014
Publisher:  Harlequin
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages:  84

Summary:  In Red at Night, Stella and Jonah are total opposites. She's the girl with purple hair from the wrong part of town. He's a high school senior who hangs with the cool crowd. Until a car accident leaves him haunted by guilt, and Jonah starts spending time at Stella's favorite refuge…the local cemetery.

Stella knows she should keep her distance—after all, she spent her girlhood being bullied by Jonah's friends. Once he's sorted out his tangled emotions, Jonah won't have time for her anymore. Too bad she's already fallen for him.

My Thoughts:  I liked this one but I had trouble reading it. It dealt with getting over issues and the characters hung out at the cemetery a lot and talked about death a lot (a touchy subject for me right now).

We are introduced to Stella and Jonah who are complete opposites. Stella is the girl people make fun of. Jonah is popular. Both of them have their secrets and problems in their lives.  I instantly got where Stella was coming from on most of what she said and felt. Jonah also had a lot of inner secrets he had to work through.

Both of them together was good. I don’t know if their connection will last but I enjoyed this short novella.  It was a very fast read for me.

I’m glad on how things ended up. I’m glad they were both able to connect to each other and help each other work through stuff.

Overall:  I liked it. Very quick read so there wasn't a whole lot of depth but there was enough to make it cute and good. Probably more of a 3.5 cupcake rating!

Cover:  Like it. Its red and romantic!

What I'd Give It:

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