Tuesday, April 14

Finding Paris by Joy Preble

Finding Paris by Joy Preble
Release Date: April 21, 2015
Publisher: Balzer And Bray
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 272

Summary:  An evocative and compelling story of two sisters who would do anything for each other--perfect for fans of Thirteen Reasons Why and Speak. Joy Preble's stirring new novel explores the lengths to which sisters go to protect each other, and the winding road that brings two strangers into each other's lives.

Sisters Leo and Paris Hollings have only ever had each other to rely on. They can't trust their mother, who hops from city to city and from guy to guy, or their gambler stepfather, who's moved them all to Las Vegas. It's just the two of them: Paris, who's always been the dreamer, and Leo, who has a real future in mind--going to Stanford, becoming a doctor, falling in love. But Leo isn't going anywhere right now, except driving around Vegas all night with her sister.

Until Paris ditches Leo at the Heartbreak Hotel Diner, where moments before they had been talking with physics student Max Sullivan. Outside, Leo finds a cryptic note from Paris--a clue. Is it some kind of game? Where is Paris, and why has she disappeared? When Leo reluctantly accepts Max's offer of help, the two find themselves following a string of clues through Vegas and beyond. But the search for the truth is not a straight line. And neither is the path to secrets Leo and Max hold inside.

My Thoughts: I really wanted to like this one more than I did. I thought it sounded really cool.

We are introduced sisters Leo and Paris.  Leo is the down to earth one who saves money. Paris is the wilder one, the risk taker.  Paris and Leo go out late one night and Paris leaves Leo at the diner. Leo meets a boy named Max. I liked Max but I never really fell for him. He just didn’t seem like a well developed enough character for me.

Paris sends Leo out on a type of scavenger hunt.  Leo must find Paris before its too late.
I liked all the clues. I liked seeing what was next. Also, the ending, I figured it would be something along those lines. An actual story-line that would pop its head out and reveal a big secret to us.

I thought Finding Paris was interesting enough but I felt like I never really connected to the story very well or the characters. It was a fast read. I did like Leo but I never really liked Paris until up until the end of the story.

Overall: I can see where a lot of people will enjoy this one but to me, it was just okay. I just had a hard time with the writing and getting into the story.

Cover:  Like it! I’d definitely pick it up to see what it was about!

What I’d Give It:

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