Wednesday, December 19

Welcome to 2019

Its almost Christmas... Its almost 2019... The past few years I've been MIA a lot.  I've been going through a lot in my personal life.  My mom passed away, and than almost every few months after that I've lost another family member.  I've also been having a lot of medical issues. Its been a rough few years but I'm ready to start reading again. I love reading and I enjoy it so much. I miss it. I'm excited about all the books I can read that have came out in the past few years from favorite authors and new authors!!  Its exciting really to think about!!!

So you'll be seeing new posts from me soon!  
Merry Christmas and I hope this reading year rocks! 

1 comment:

Sassy Sarah Reads said...

Merry Christmas! I'm wishing you all the best in getting back into reading and reigniting your passions!


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