Yes, Yes, Its me again and I'm hosting another contest! The winner can pick 3 of these!!!
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Question: Which Book Should I buy? Have you read it, thoughts? I'm thinking about buying all 3, but what do you think? Worth the money? All are hardcovers so gotta budget myself a lil. LOL.
A. Hush Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick
B. Ice by Sarah Beth Durst
C. The Hollow by Jessica Verday

Another awesome contest, thanks!
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I would get Hollow because it sounds amazing. I haven't read it yet, but it's on PulseIt so I'll read it soon.
adrienne2093 at comcast dot net
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I haven't read any of these, but if I had to choose I would buy The Hollow, but if you have the money, buy them all!
jjameli (at) cableone (dot) net
+1 kat-tastic(at)
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+5 Hmm I just started The Hollow but I'm not sure I'd recommend it yet, it's only okay so far, maybe it picks up. If I had to buy one I think I'd chose Ice because that one sounds really unique and a new twist on the contemporary fantasy books that are on shelves now!
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Well I've read Hush Hush and The Hollow and I loved Hush Hush. The Hollow was good, but not amazing. I really want to read Ice.
I would probably say either Hush Hush or Ice.
kelseythebookscout at gmail dot com
Great contest!
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Umm... I'm not sure what book buy the cover always help.. but their covers are all amazing! So I think that I'll say the hollow as I have heard amazing thing about it.
And btw I found two blogs that are giving away a copy of Ice, sadly they are just open for US:
Hope it helps =)
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I say buy all 3. but that's just me lol Anyways, Im posting a review of Hush Hush like in 10 minutes, just finished it and it's worth the money. If only for the beautiful cover. Ice I have yet to read it, but it has a nice story to it, The Hollow also.
I say buy Hush,Hush. Only sane answer I can give you. ^^
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
+1 Please enter me, I would SO LOVE LOVE LOVE to win these - like Christmas in October lol
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
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Ice looks great! Buy Ice!
Sweet Contest. (You always host some cool ones) :)
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Personally, I'd go with all 3. Normally I might not suggest this but they all look really good. :)
Hush, Hush has gotten almost nothing but rave reviews, The Hollow looks really intriguing and is about the Legend of Sleepy Hollow, and Ice is about polar bears which I lovelovelove, and am mildly obsessed with.
So, yeah....I say buy all 3.
Mary D
zenrei57 (at) hotmail (dot) com
+5 Answering Question:
Honestly, I'd definitely buy Hollow because I've read it, and it truly is a terrific book!!!
Hush Hush reviews well, so that could be a second choice if funds allow.
As for the 3rd Title - ICE - I have no idea.
But, here's my suggestion, only buy the ONE you really, really are interested in. THEN try to win the other two books :)
PS - I love your blog header - those cupcakes make me hungry lol
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the only one i read was HUSH, HUSH and it was AMAZING!
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+5 for recommending The Hollow. I just finished it and wrote a review on my blog, The Lesser Key.
But I have really really really wanted to rad Hush, Hush.
Hope this helps!
+1 for entering - thanks!
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+5 for answering question - I would say Ice, although I'm dying to read Hush, Hush too. I didn't like the Hollow, but most people did.
+1 entering!
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+5 definitely buy The Hollow, sounds awesome!
This is such a great contest!
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+5 Buy Hush,Hush. I just read it and I absolutely loved it!
Oh yes another contest! You always have the best ones, even though I have yet to win one, lol.
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+5 - You should definitely get Hollow. I'm dying to read it. I loved the story of The Legend of Sleepy I'm eager to read this new take on it.
I'm going to be starting Hush Hush pretty soon, so I'll let you know how it is :)
No need to enter me since most of those were my books once. lmao!
I say buy Ice. I've read the other two and hated them.
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I would get either Hush, Hush or The Hollow =)
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I'd say to go for Hush, Hush. I haven't read any of the books yet, but Hush, Hush is the one that I've been most dying to read. I've heard MANY good things about it! :)
Robyn :)
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+5 for answering question: I've only read Hush hush and I freaking loved it! I'd definetely buy it.
Is this open to the UK?
If so,
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You should buy hush, hush because it has a pretty cover. I haven't read any of these. If you want all 3, get them! Book buying rocks! Or wait for paperback. Or get them from the library.
katiepinn at googlemail dot com
+1 :)
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+5 Hush, Hush, because everyone is going insane about it o-o But in all honesty, never read any
Awesomee contest as usual!
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I think you should get Hush, Hush cuhz I heard it's really good.
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I really loved Hush, Hush. For me it was a great plot and I was completely swooned by Patch. (Though he's a complete arse, but I'm a huge sucker for a bad boy!)
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I think you should get all three. Go crazy and splurge!
cindyc725 at gmail dot com
+1 count me in!
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+5 I haven't read any of them. They all sound good but with all the hype surrounding Hush, Hush and The Hollow, I'd probably go with Ice as I hate when something doesn't live up to the hype...
melacan at hotmail dot com
Great contest. Please enter me.
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I have read Hush, Hush which I loved, so it gets my vote. But this is only because I haven't read the others.
Thanks so much!
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+5 I haven't read any of these, but I would go with Hush, Hush. The reviews for it have been pretty consistent and positive.
shalondasblog (at) hotmail (dot) com
Awesome contest. I want to read Almost Perfect so badly!
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+5 I would get The Hollow because it sounds amazing and there's more pages so you get more for your dollar. Hush, Hush also seems like it would be an excellent buy. I'm thinking about buying it soon.
Great contest!! Those books look great! Enter me please :)
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I definitely think you should get Hush, Hush! I think you would like it a lot and I really want to know what you think about it! I read it and I really liked it! :) But they all sound vote is for Hush, Hush though :)
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+5 for answering the question: I have not read any of these books but based on reviews I have read I think Ice would be a good choice.
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
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+5 I've read Hush, Hush.. and I definitely suggest it. I loved it. Plus, I've heard they may have changed the ending, so I'm probably going to buy it again when it comes out. I thought the story was awesome, and I'm really hoping this gets the following that Twilight has (probably not, but it deserves it!)
Morning Glow
ohmorningglow AT aol DOT com
I would love to enter!
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+5 for answering question below: You should definitely get Hush, Hush! I've read it already and it's just fabulous.
Cool contest!
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+5 for answering the question below. I say you should by The Hollow. It sounds the most interesting.
hauntingorchid (at) aol (dot) com
Another awesome contest!
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+5 For Question. Honestly I haven't read any of them yet, so that would put me in the same place you are. Given a choice on what I've read in reviews I would want Hush, Hush to read first.
Thanks for the opportunity! Indigo
I've read both Hush, Hush and The Hollow and while I would recommend both, I liked Hush, Hush a lot!! SO READ IT, lol.
- Wendy (omgitswendy at gmail dot com)
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Woo! :)
- Wendy (omgitswendy at gmail dot com)
Ooh, so many good books up for grabs!! Also so many books to choose for you to get, hmm if I had to pick I would probably go with The Hollow. It just sounds so amazing!
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Hope that helps you decide!
What an awesome contest! You didn't say whether this contest is international or not, but I'm entering just in case it is - I'm from the UK.
Wow. That really is a tough decision. I haven't read these books, but I've heard such great things about all three books, and they're all on my wish list! I'm going to go with, if I had all three of them in front of me and was able to read them, the one I would read first: Hush, Hush by Becca Fitzpatrick. Happy book buying!
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Email: joannestapley[at]googlemail[dot]com
Awesome Contest!!
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+5 I would go with all three. They all look SO good! I havn't read any of them but I've heard they are all very very good :D
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+5 Hush, Hush! Such a great book. It's got some mystery, some fantasy, some romance!
shanynlee at
Hello! Thanks for this great contest!
+1 Please enter my name in the drawing.
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+5 "ICE"--check out the website! Now I want this book!
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
Awesome books! Thank you. :)
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+5 for answering the question: I think you should get either Hush Hush or Ice. The reviews I've read on The Hollow just don't seem as good compared to Hush Hush or Ice. I would say try out Hush Hush at the bookstore to see if you like it, because I've basically heard people say they either like it or don't like it. If you don't, I would say Ice because the idea sounds very unique and intriguing. Good luck! :)
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+5 I would go for Hush, Hush. I've heard pretty much only great reviews of it. I've read a lot of mixed reviews for The Hollow. Ice looks wonderful too though! Anyways, if you are able too, I'd buy all three!
Natalie @ Mindful Musings
Ohh what an awesome contest! I'd love to be entered if it's oopen internationally!
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I haven't read Ice or The Hollow yet, but I have read Hush, Hush and I have fallen for Patch... which only leads me to one verdict - BUY HUSH, HUSH! You'll love it (I hope!).
+1 enter me for sure! I really want to read Almost Perfect and EVERYONE seems to have it but me. LOL
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+5 Question: I haven't read any of them and I do have an ARC of Hush Hush. I think all of them sound worth it. The Hollow looks good for Halloween if you are going to order soon or something. Otherwise, I'm not a huge help really. All of them look good, like I said, and all authors are awesome. I think Ice might get passed by a lot too so you could get that and help the underdog. :)
lauren51990 AT aol DOT com
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+5 my answer: I say Hush, Hush. My friend got an ARC and I read part of it (before deciding to just wait until it was released to finish it because I heard the ending was changed and didn't want to have to reread the whole book), and what I read was good. =)
OoO Great books!
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I'd go with The Hollow, honestly its the only book I've really heard of out of the three and I've read great info about it and the cover is awesome!
:o Those books (as a prize) seem so awesome! I'd love to enter please :)
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Hm. Well, I've heard great things about The Hollow and Hush, Hush. Buuut, I'd suggest you buy Hush, Hush since it's apparently one of the best books out there these days. ;)
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+5 I think you should buy The Hollow simply based on the fact on how amazing I've heard it is. I haven't heard a single bad thing about it!
infinitemusic19 at gmail dot com
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I would say Hollow because it looks really good, and Hush Hush has such a MASSIVE popularity that I'm sure you could get a copy soon as everyone else is done with their copies.
brittanynoelle (at) gmail (dot) com
+5 I have been hearing mixed reviews of HUSH, you might want to wait for the library copy.
I would buy Ice and the HOllow. I haven't read either, but they both look great!
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+1 zenfoxflowerATyahooDOTcom pick me, pick me!
I thought I entered but I dont see my post..
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+5 I ordered hush, Hush and The hollow and haevn't received/read either yet.
Thanks for another great contest CindY!
AHHHH! How To Say Goodbye In Robot!!! I want to read that book sooooo bad!!
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Hush, Hush. I'd get it just for the beautiful cover. I'd just stare at it all day.
Thanks for the contest!
Great contest!
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I don't really know which to get. I would say the one you haven't read yet, but if you've read them all, then HUSH, HUSH. I haven't read any except that one and I liked it and love the cover - it is worth the $$!
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+5 I have to read any of those books, but personally I would buy Hush Hush because it sounds interesting. And I love the cover.:)
Cool contest.
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+5 for answering the question - buy The Hollow. It looks and sounds like a great book.
bacchus76 at myself dot com
+1 I'm entering!
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+5 I haven't read any of the 3 but based on the jacket blurb I would go for Ice.
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+5 I've only read Hush, Hush but I really enjoyed it. The Hollow looks good though.
dasuzuki at yahoo dot com
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I haven't read any of the books, but I'd get The Hollow cos it sounds really interesting!! :)
bunnybx at gmail . com
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If I were you I would get Hush Hush. It sounds awesome. The others sound good too but I like suspense and romance and it seems like that's what Hush Hush is.=]
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Wow, that's a tough call! I guess I would go with Ice. It just looks so utterly and completely amazing, and the author interview was fantastic!
I haven't actually read any of them, though, so perhaps my opinion's not that qualified.
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Hollow, I am reading this right now I love the sleeping hollow stories, and this is a awesome twist.
Hey! This competition looks amazing!
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I would buy Hush Hush! Go and buy it, like, now:D It looks so amazing and all of my friends that have read it only have amazing things to say
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+5 Given one choice, you should get Ice! Hush, Hush sounds amazing but there's been quite a few negative reviews trickling in recently, which worries me a little. I've just finished The Hollow and it was slightly disappointing, so I don't know if I can recommend it.
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I haven't read any of them, but I myself am tempted to buy The Hollow. So I of course say go with it.
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