Saturday, November 7

Round 3 Voting

L-R 1-6

We are nearing the end of the voting!!!

Round 3 has started to vote!

Who Survived from last time???

These are the TOP 6 with the most votes!!!!

The Top 4 from the main contest were taken, combined with the top 2 of Something Like Fate!

(FYI: Thanks guys who put in your stats on the form I posted! If you don't know what I'm talking about, don't worry about it!)

Everyone May Choose One Bookcover they like the most!!!!!! Just one folks!!!!


Unknown said...

My vote goes to #6!

~The Book Pixie said...

I'm voting for #5.

I Want To Read That said...

My vote is for number 5

Natascha De Marco said...

#1 and #5!!!

But if I had to only pick one I would pick #5 =]

Brittany said...


Anonymous said...

I'm in love with number 5!

Lilixtreme said...

Definitely #5!

Sara said...

Those covers are all amazing - those of you who made those have some serious skill!

My vote goes for #6 - I think it fits the title perfectly! :)

Brooke Reviews said...

#4 fallen :)

Eleni said...

Chasing Brooklyn #5

titania86 said...


Mandy said...

Number 3, it looks the most like like a book, and it fits so absolutely! =)

Kari Olson said...

5 definitely

Justine said...

#4 - Fallen :)

Natalie said...


jayme said...

Number 2!

pepsivanilla said...

#6 :)

Diana Dang said...


Peaceful Reader said...

I vote for #1 Scarlett Fever.

Mariah said...

#1 but a close second would be #5

CeeCee said...

number 5

Wall-to-wall books said...

# 5

Miss Haley said...

#4 :D i like that angel

Kat said...


Anonymous said...

Eek! It's so hard to pick just one. :/

...I'm gonna vote for #2

Sara said...

Number 5!!

Holly said...

I like #5

debbie said...

I'll vote for #2 !

Ashley said...

Ahh this is hard! But I choose 6. :)

Anonymous said...



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