Welcome Morgan To Princess Bookie!
1.What did you find the most difficult part while writing Amy and Roger's Epic Detour?
I found the descriptions of the places very challenging. I really wanted the reader to feel like they were there in each new location. I’ve driven cross-country three times now – and the most recent trip was to do research for this book – but it’s hard to take notes when you’re driving! So much of a road trip is just what you feel when you’re driving through a place, and that can be hard to re-create. I took lots of pictures, and made what notes I could, but I was aware, in each new location, that it was a real challenge to get the description and the feeling of the place right.
2. If you could spend a day with Amy or Roger, who would you choose and why?
I’d like to spend a day with Roger. I think he’s got some great stories that didn’t make it into the book. I think he still has a little more to say, and I’d like to hear it. Plus, he’s got good music, and is always happy to drive!
3. What is your favorite book off all time?
This is SUCH a hard question. I know after I answer it, I’m going to think of three other books I wish I’d chosen. But one of my top ten books is I Capture the Castle, by Dodie Smith. It’s just incredible.
4. Who is your mentor, another author you look up to?
David Levithan has been an incredible mentor to me. He was my professor in graduate school, and was my thesis adviser on the book that became Amy & Roger. He’s also, of course, a brilliant author, and so generous with advice and always willing to welcome new writers. I have nothing but admiration for him.
5. If a young adult were to come off with just one message from your book, what would
you want it to be?
I think it might be that the journey is better with two people. That it might seem easier, or safer, to deal with things on your own and keep stuff inside, but ultimately, you’re much better off letting someone help and be there for you – even if it’s not the person you expected at first.
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Thank You Morgan For Visiting Princess Bookie!
Summary: Amy Curry thinks her life sucks. Her mom decides to move from California to Connecticut to start anew--just in time for Amy's senior year. Her dad recently died in a car accident. So Amy embarks on a road trip to escape from it all, driving cross-country from the home she's always known toward her new life. Joining Amy on the road trip is Roger, the son of Amy's mother's old friend. Amy hasn't seen him in years, and she is less than thrilled to be driving across the country with a guy she barely knows. So she's surprised to find that she is developing a crush on him. At the same time, she's coming to terms with her father's death and how to put her own life back together after the accident. Told in traditional narrative as well as scraps from the road--diner napkins, motel receipts, postcards--this is the story of one girl's journey to find herself.
My Thoughts: We are introduced to Amy. Shy reluctant Amy who has been through such a tragedy. She lost her father and still had a hard time adjusting. I also lost my dad so I can relate to exactly what she was feeling. She was lonely, never really being able to talk to her mom or brother about it. Everyone kept their feelings bottled up. Like things couldn't get any worst, Amy's mom pairs her up with an old friend, Roger. They haven't seen each other in years and she barely remembers him. Her family is showing the house so Amy must go meet up with her mom in another state. Roger shows up and Amy takes off with him to embark on a road trip. Things are uncomfortable at first. I mean, think about it, spending 4 days in a car with a boy you barely know! They slowly start to talk and he tells her about his ex girlfriend who broke up with him and how he didn't even see it coming! Amy starts to open up with him. I really liked how they could stay in a motel together, sleep in the same bed, but they were so tired they barely made it to the bed before they fell asleep. I liked how they faced each other when they fell asleep. Roger was such a sweetheart and I really liked him. Amy was a nice girl who just had a case of bad luck. This story was so much fun. I loved the journal she wrote on, the notes scribbled in her handwriting, and the play-lists Roger made. Most of the book I spend wondering, when are you two going to look at one another and really see each other! They had great chemistry as friends. This was a wonderful story about finding yourself and taking the next step in curing your fears, with a little romance mixed in.
Overall: Loved It! Despite it being over 300 pages I finished it in one sitting! Great book!
Cover: I really like it. I am always drawn to covers where the guy and girl are holding hands. There is just something so sweet about it.
What I'd Give It:

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Ends June 7th, 2010
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Would You Like To Win A Copy Of Amy And Roger's Epic Detour?
Official Rules:
Prize Donated By A Third Party
Open To US Only
Ends June 7th, 2010
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I'm so interested in this book! Nice interview and review, Cindy.
I have an urgent prayer request at arise 2 write.
Blessings, andrea
Aw, it sounds very nice! And Morgan is such a sweet! :) Only wish I could enter the contest.
I accidentally put in an apostrophe in my address...could you remove it?
Thanks for the interview & giveaway. : )
Aw, US only?
Great interview! Thanks for the giveaway!
Loved the interview! This book sounds adorable. I definitely want to read it.
Great interview and thanks for the contest!
I really enjoyed your review and the interview. I think it is neat that the author did a road trip for research to make her book feel authentic.
The more I hear about this book the more I know I'll love it! Thank you for sharing the interview and your thoughts on the book. Thank you also for giving readers a chance to win the book too!
Have only see reviews that loved this book. Throw my hat in there.
alterlisa AT yahoo DOT com
thank you for the giveaway!
i feel like i might've entered this already, but i don't think so. but if i did, please delete my second entry!
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