As most of you know I run an ARC Tour Website! Sometimes authors/publishers contact me about donating. Other times I donate ARCS that get sent to me for review. I like to share. Bloggers generally contact me if they are really really interested in a book and if enough of the reviewers do this, I try to request the book from the pubilsher/author for the tour site.
For the past week I have been getting around 5 emails a day asking if I can get arcs for the tour site, most of them are from seeing BEA posts! I didn't make it to BEA unfortunately. If you went to BEA, please consider donating to the ARC Tour Site! It would make so many bloggers happy who live on the opposite side of the country and couldn't make it.
Facts About The ARC Tours:
1. Each person keeps the book one week.
2. Each Person Purchases DC when mailing so we can track the books.
3. Each person reads/reviews the book.
Why It's awesome to donate an ARC.
1. We all know that ARCs are hard to come by and not that many get printed up usually. Especially those arcs everyone are talking about from BEA (if you didn't go, than its harder to get one of those, limited)
2. It makes you feel good to share arcs so people can enjoy them and feel awesome while reading them before their release dates.
3. It generates book buzz and gets the authors name/book title out there.
4. When sharing an ARC, it actually gets to be read. When your a booklover like us, its important to know people are reading that book! Isn't it the most amazing thing to know you are sharing a book and not just letting it sit there on your bookshelf collecting dust.
5. No matter what, its awesome! Refer to 1-4 if you don't believe me.
If your curious as to what ARC requests I have been getting the most, here are the top 10 requests. Of course there are others as well.
1. Return To Paradise by Simone Elkeles
2. Beautiful Darkness by Kami Garcia
3. Clockwork Angel by Cassandra Clare
4. Paranormalcy by Kiersten White
5. Fixing Delilah Hannaford by Sarah Ockler
6. Virgin Territory by James Lecesne
7. Matched by Ally Condie
8. Halo by Alexandra Adornetto
9. Rich And Mad by William Nicholson
10. Delirium by Lauren Oliver
If you have an extra from BEA or just in general you would like to donate, please contact me! It would totally make someones day and send good karma your way (don't we all need that?)!
Around The World ARC Tours appreciates any donations! Every single one of us who are a member of the site.

We Need You!
Is there any possibility the ARC tours will be brought to Australia?
^ Amen to that, go the Aussies! I wish there were more ARC stuff for us in Aus.
I've thought about opening it worldwide but there have been some chatter it would not work out because:
1. Each book would take a long time to go from one person to another. It takes less than a week here usually, especially if its in the same state. The purpose of an ARC Tour is to get it through as many people as possible.
2. Most countries do not have the DC option, and since thats required, it would automatically break one of the rules.
I know there are some international tours out there though, if you want to try them. For example: International Book Tours:
I am so behind in my arcs. Most of the stuff is either out or will be in a couple days. So little time :-/
Yes, I am super excited for Return To Paradise and that was one of the main reasons I wanted to go to BEA. So if anybody who went would donate their copy-I would really appreciate it!
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