Summary: Morgan is a National Disaster.
Morgan Abbott couldn’t be happier. Super-cute Max has quit her Secret Service detail to be her (secret) boyfriend, and the annoying Brittany Whittaker has been ousted from class president, leaving the post open for Morgan! Life is pretty sweet.
Now Morgan just has to tackle college applications—but she has so much else to juggle that looking that far ahead seems impossible! Good thing she’s graceful under pressure . . . well, sometimes.
A trip to London should be just the thing to take her mind off all the craziness, but true to form, chaos follows Morgan wherever she goes—and the trip turns into an international disaster. Can she make it right? Or will she cause a royal mess?
My Thoughts: Morgan aka Tornado is back for another round of laughs and humiliation. I was so excited to get a copy of Secrets Of A First Daughter! We are introduced to the cast again from evil snotty Brittany to Morgan's best friend Hannah. And of course Max. Morgan is now the class president and has to come up with a plan to raise money for their school events so she hosts a big party at the white house aka her home. It doesn't go as smoothly as she hopes and Brittany finds out about her relationship with Max. Ick, what is a girl to do just to have an easy life? On top of all that, she has a new agent following her around, George. (She's a women FYI). And of course, there is the prospect of Morgan's future and where she should attend college.
Morgan, Hannah, and Brittany take a trip to London via her mom's commitments. And of course Max just happens to be there as well. HEHE. Hannah also gets to spend time with Rich (remember he's the Queen's son). Morgan is busy trying to see the sights, do the events with her mom, and try to sneak spending time with Max, since their relationship is still a secret. He is there looking into his own future.
From blackmail from Brittany, love complications with Max, friendship dilemma -trying to help Hannah with the Rich situation, trying to be a good girl for her mom's reputation (and her own) Morgan has a hard life!
Overall: This book was awesome! I really loved the first book and this one was even more better. I loved how we got to see more of Max and I loved sneaking around with Morgan and Max. I love the whole concept of forbidden romance! (Girl falling for her secret service agent, are there anymore books like this out there?)
Cover: Love Love Love It! Isn't it gorgeous? The colors, the girls dress and heals. And the guy even looks really spiffy, doesn't he?

Totally agree 100% with your review... I absolutely loved this book, and the first one!!
Read your review on Goodreads. Sounds like a good book, perfect for a last afternoon at the beach. I need some mindless fluff right now. Think I'll pick it up!
Great review! I just added this to my goodreads account.
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