Monday, January 9

Dreaming Awake (Falling Under #2) by Gwen Hayes

Dreaming Awake (Falling Under #2) by Gwen Hayes
Release Date: January 3, 2012
Publisher: NAL Trade
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 336

Summary: She fell for him in a nighttime world. But the time for dreaming is past—and the here-and-now can be just as fragile their love…

When Theia Alderson first encountered a mysterious, handsome boy in her dreams, she never imagined how finding Haden Black—and falling in love—could change her life. To save Haden, Theia sacrificed everything. And the dangerous bargain she made could have lasting repercussions.

Now Theia has returned to Serendipity Falls, and she finds herself struggling with the same deadly hungers that have tortured Haden. When students at their high school fall prey to a mysterious illness, Theia can’t help but wonder if Haden’s control is slipping—and how much longer she’ll have a grip on her own.

And still the nightmare realm of Under won’t let them go. Someone from Haden’s past is determined to destroy Theia from the inside out, starting with those closest to her, forcing Theia to choose between family and friends and a love that may have been doomed from the start.

My Thoughts: We are back with the crew from Falling Under. Theia and her friends, her really strict father, and of course Haden. Lovely, demonic, charming Haden.

In this book, Theia is trying to be normal again and deal with her non-humanly urges. She craves something she can never get. She knows she must be strong and overcome it.  Theia is also trying to figure out how to be with Haden and have an uncomplicated relationship. This does not go over too well, since she has to be careful with him and not let either of them get carried away, or else she could unleash his demon side.

Students are also getting sick and Theia wonders who is to blame, plus her father has a new girlfriend. Yuck.

Dreaming Awake was a pretty good story, just as Falling Under was. I can't say too much about the plot or else I'll give too many spoilers away on this one. It didn't feel like a whole lot happened in the first half of the book, but by the middle things start falling into place, and crap hits the fan. haha.

I also liked seeing all the characters again. I liked seeing all Theia's friends, especially Gabe. I really like him. Also Varnie, he's a riot! I also like Haden, but there is something about him, that doesn't impress me all the way. I'm not in love with him like I am with other guy characters in books. I like him but he hasn't won me over just yet.

The ending was,,, whoa. I can't wait to read book 3. I knew something like this might happen but to see it actually happen, amazing. Wow.

Overall: I really enjoyed Dreaming Awake. I liked it a little less than the first but I still really enjoyed it. I'm excited to read the third book in the series. Bring it on!

Cover: Love it. These covers are so freaking pretty and this girl has amazing hair, right?

What I'd Give It:  


Vivien said...

I always find it really disappointing when I don't enjoy the sophomore in the series as much as the first. It makes that feeling for the third awkward O_o

Anonymous said...

I just ordered this book like a week ago. I still haven't read Falling Under, but I will get to both of them soon!

ansindt said...

I really like the cover. I have not read this series...sounds like I should=)

Sophia said...

The covers ARE so gorgeous. I really need to read Falling Under. It's been on my nook for ages. I'm sorry Haden hasn't won you over yet. Maybe in book three....

Michelle @ Book Briefs said...

I really want to read this series. Thanks for not giving stuff away since I have still not read the first book :)

nice review

Maji Bookshelf said...

I actually read the first book, and i couldn't even finish it. Dunno but gave was a total turn off for me, plus the innocence of the female protagonist. But i can't deny how awesome the book covers are! especially this one. It's so pretty (i envy the girl for her awesome hair!)

- juhina

Sandra Stiles said...

I love the cover. I have in some way missed this series. I must have been under a rock or something.

Unknown said...

I actually have not read the first yet, but I do think that both books are sitting on my shelf. I really need to get reading :]


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