Monday, January 2

Playing With The Boys by Liz Tigelaar

Playing With The Boys by Liz Tigelaar
Release Date: April 10, 2008
Publisher: Razorbill
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 288

Summary: New girl Lucy is desperate for friends. She tries out for Beachwood High soccer, but despite her amazingly accurate kick, fails to make the team. When the Coach points out that varsity football is looking for a new kicker, Lucy is skeptical. Football? Isn’t that a boys’ game?
But on the gridiron Lucy discovers that she feels strong—in control for the first time since her mother died. She loves football. She actually wants to play! (She also wants to hang out with super-cute quarterback Ryan Conner. But that’s just icing on the cake.)
Too bad no one else wants her on the team. Not the boys’ coach, not her teammates, and especially not her overprotective dad. Will Lucy cave in to the pressure? Or will she prove she’s pretty tough after all?

My Thoughts: In Playing With The Boys, we are introduced to Lucy. Lucy lives with her father and is forced to move to Los Angeles. She lost her mother and her father wants to get away from all the memories so he drags Lucy across the country.

Lucy has to make new friends, go to a new school, and basically learn how to be a California girl, which is harder than you would think.

On her first day of school she meets a boy named Benji. She and Benji become good friends. Then there is another boy who she has a crush on.

Oh I guess I'm forgetting something here. Lucy tries out for the soccer team. She's good at soccer and figures this is a way to meet friends. But she doesn't make the team so instead she tries out for the Football team and she does make that one.

Her father forbids her from playing because its too dangerous but Lucy plays anyways.

Playing With The Boys was a fun read, but not too deep. None of the characters really clicked with me the way I wanted. I still enjoyed reading it but if your looking for a football themed book, you might also want to try Catching Jordan.

Overall: Liked it quite a bit but didn't love it. It was a quick read though so I finished it in one sitting.

Cover: Like it, but mostly I like the football players legs in the background. They add a certain spunk!

What I'd Give It:


Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said...

Sounds like a cute book. One I will consider checking out.

Alexa said...

It does sound a lot like Catching Jordan, I love Catching Jordan though so I don't think this would even compare wtih that.

Thanks for the great review, I'm glad you enjoyed it :)

Anonymous said...

I have to agree with Alexa, it immediately reminded me of Catching Jordan but I might give this one a try as well. Great review.

Anonymous said...

It sounds cute, but I don't think I will pick it up anytime soon. It doesn't sound terrible by any means, I just have too many other books that I need to read first! Thanks for the review!

Jaskirat@SeeitORreadit said...

I don't read a lot of contemperary so my goal this year is to read more. I'm not a big sports girl but if this one is anything like Catching Jordan I will definitely be picking it up! Thanks for the review :) Sounds like a fun cute read!

Danna (Bananas For Books) said...

I've heard a lot of good things about this series and I've been wanting a cute book to read so I might start with these:) Thanks for the review!

Unknown said...

I like the cover. I agree it reminds me of Catching Jordan.

Michelle @ Book Briefs said...

I have never heard of this book before. It looks cute, but I know you mean. I have read a lot of books lately that I have liked just fine, the characters are good, but I don't get completely sucked into their world. I feel like I am just coasting along reading. It doesn't exactly annoy me, but I never get super excited over these books.

Thanks for the review

Vivien said...

This is a new one for me. I'm glad it sounds like Catching Jordan. I'm becoming a huge contemporary fan.

Tiff @ Mostly YA Lit said...

I got this one because I admired Liz Tigelaar's work on Life Unexpected (she was the showrunner and creator) - I'm interested to see what I'll think compared to your review. Thanks!

Sophia said...

This reminds me of Catching Jordan (as several other people have mentioned). I LOVED Catching Jordan a lot, so maybe I'll like this one too. Thanks for the review!

ansindt said...

Sounds like a cute book. Thanks for the review

Maji Bookshelf said...

eh!! i REALLY need to get my hands on this series. Seems like each book is centered around a sports theme! Great review, obviously its a fluffy book, but sometimes u need those!

- juhina

Unknown said...

I have not seen this one around, but it seems like a cute book.

Sandra Stiles said...

I can think of a handful of students who would really love this one!


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