Tuesday, January 3

The Vision (Mark #2) by Jen Nadol

The Vision (Mark #2) by Jen Nadol
Release Date: September 27, 2011
Publisher: Bloomsbury USA
Age Group: Young Adult
Pages: 240

Summary: Cassie Renfield knows the mark tells her when someone is going to die and that she can intervene and attempt to change fate. But she still doesn't understand the consequences, especially whether saving one life dooms another. With no family left to offer guidance, Cassie goes in search of others like her. But when she meets Demetria, a troubled girl who seems to have the power of the Fates, Cassie finds the truth isn't at all what she expected. And then there's her heady new romance with bad boy Zander. Dating him has much graver repercussions than she could ever have imagined, forcing Cassie to make choices that cut to the essence of who she is and what she believes.

Jen Nadol offers readers a romance with big stakes and an ethical dilemma with no easy answers in this riveting sequel to The Mark. Paranormal fans who love the psychological thrill of Lisa McMann's bestselling Wake trilogy will flock to these books.

My Thoughts: It has been quite a while since I read The Mark, the first book in the series. I believe I read it in February 2010, almost 2 years ago. And, I remember that I loved it. So when I heard the next book in the series was coming out, I was pumped.

We are back with Cassie who has realized she has abilities and can see a glow around someone when they are about to die. She calls it the mark. Cassie can still see the mark and is constantly in an argument with herself. Should she tell the person or should she keep it to herself? If she tells them and change things, than another person will die in their place. One life for another. Its a slippery slope on who to save and who to let go.

Cassie has came to a new town and is staying with a friend. She meets a few new guys. The first guy is Ryan. Ryan works at the funeral home with her. He really adores her and seems like he's in it for the right reasons.

The other guy is Zander. Zander also has something very special about him. She discovers through him that they both have a big role dealing with the fates and being a descendant of the Fates and she has a much bigger role than she thought. With Zandar's help she finds out more and more about why she can see the Mark and what is behind his secret ability. They make quite the pair, even though she tries to fight it.

Than we are introduced to her new best friend Liv. Liv was very outspoken and had a mind of her own. She really does care about Cassie and tries to be there for her when things get rough.

My favorite parts are when she finds out Zander's back story and when she gets caught lurking by Ryan. Very funny moments.

I really liked all the characters and the plot was interesting.

I'm excited to read the third book in the series and see where things head. It could get very interesting.

Overall:  The Vision is a good second book but it still falls a little bit underneath The Mark. It was easy to read, and interesting enough to keep reading but I don't believe it was as good as the Mark. I did enjoy it a lot.

Cover: It's ok but I don't like it near as much as the cover for The Mark. Not sure why it's so different really.

What I'd Give It:


Unknown said...

I haven't heard of this series before. Thanks!

Lisa (Lisa's World of Books) said...

This sounds outstanding! One I will be for sure checking out! Thanks for the great recommendation.

Vivien said...

Glad to hear the sequel wasn't terrible! I haven't read The Mark yet, but knowing this was good, I'll have to get on that quickly!

Anonymous said...

I don't think I could read this series. It sounds too "Soul Screamers" to me. Not that anyone copied anyone else, but I just don't think I could read the same thing again!

Sophia said...

I've never read this series, but it does sound pretty interesting. I'm glad you liked this book, despite the fact that it didn't live up to the first one. Hopefully, you'll like the 3rd one more!

ansindt said...

I am excited to read this one! Thanks for the review=)

Unknown said...

I actually have this book on my shelf along with The Mark. I really need to get started reading them.

Michelle @ Book Briefs said...

man girl, you really are pumping out reviews! I don't think I would like to her have power. I think it would freak me out to know that someone was just about to die.

great review

Sandra Stiles said...

Haven't read the Mark yet. It "was" on my shelves at school but students keep checking it out. Need to read it and then get this and read it.


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